Parent saves child!

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It's happening too often

Yes, all the trouble could have been avoided if she has just used common sense. We have had a rash of stolen cars whose owners had left the keys, in the car. They are mostly teenagers and they even boast that the cops won't do much to them. Authorities have held countless meeting and even training on this problem. We are not talking about a few cars. The count has gotten up into the hundreds, in the past three years. …… :rolleyes:

Take the keys and;
Be Safe !!!
There are several open threads here devoted to bad firearm handling, but this is the only one with a gender specific title. Just an observation.
Just the facts please ! Don't try to make me a PC fool.
She had a responsibility to herself , two children, car and gun. She abandoned all ! :(
Should we have to take a test for free speech, to vote, to stand on the 5th amendment? The women made some mistakes but asking to take a test to exercise the 2nd amendment I don't think so.

But if your gun is in the car you are not armed. She should have had it on her person. If the kids were left in the car for a few minutes it should have been locked and she should have taken the keys. She is a very lucky or blessed women. She just have to hope the bad guy doesn't sue her for shooting him.
Leaving the kids in the car was obviously a stupid thing to do but I say she did one hell of an excellent job correcting that mistake.
We don’t need tactical virtue signaling.
Was it perfect as one might have done?
Perhaps not but she saved her kids.

Let’s proclaim every male that posts about their ‘car’ or ‘truck’ gun as a dumbo , shall we?

PS - she didn’t have a LTC yet, so could not carry.
I don't appreciate the "fake news " . The heading is incorrect , there were TWO children !
A 4 year old and a 2 year old . No danger ? I watched a 2 year old go through the procedure of loading a rifle yet never had he touched a firearm !! But he had seen adults load and fire them .A 2 year old is not stupid ! It's easier for a 4 year old.
Insurance statistics show a large percentage of stolen cars are unlocked and a good percentage have the key in place ! Easy pickings .
Folks she was at a gas pump. In this day and age you do not have to go more than a couple of feet away from your car to pay for gas, and start fueling your vehicle. In Texas you can have a loaded handgun in your vehicle without having a license to carry handgun. You however can not get out with it at a gas station while you are pumping gas.

Yes she did some things that many of us say we would not do. Like stopping to get gas after dark. Or getting gas in one of "those kind" of neighborhoods. It is a few blocks from the projects in Dallas. Leaving the keys in the ignition was not smart either.

I know several people that will get out with a credit card, and pay at the pump and pump the gas into their vehicle with the keys still in the ignition. They think that since they are not going into the store, and are right there at the car that no one is going to mess with it.

Her case will go to the grand jury. If they find she is justified in her use of force she will get her gun back. Also it will waive her civil liability for the perp's injuries.

I am glad that she and her children were not hurt. I am glad that she did not have to kill the perp, and have to live with knowing she killed someone. Despite some tactical errors in judgment she did well, and got to go home with her children.
Always glad to see that people are able to come out on top despite any tactical errors or other misfortunes along the way. It does teach a valuable lesson: NEVER GIVE UP. She went after the guy, went after her gun and overcame all obstacles to save her little ones and probably herself, as well.

We have community mailboxes in our neighborhoods and I see people leave their cars running while they get out and get their mail. I guess it's just too traumatic to get back into a car that hasn't had the A/C running for a mere 90 seconds.

People also start their cars in the morning during winter months and then go back inside while the car's heater warms up the cabin. These are stolen on a regular basis around here and every year, the local PD's will make radio and T.V. announcements to tell people all about it but every year, the cars are still stolen.


This lady was hugely lucky. Really glad she came out on top.

Do I understand correctly from the article that she fired a "warning shot" - to the BG's head?

It is easy to criticize her actions, but she was better prepared than a large majority of the citizenry, and she did what she had to do for her kids. You don't quickly run in and out with a 2- and a 4-year-old, and you don't leave them in a hot car without the AC running, either. I doubt there is anyone who has never in their life made a choice for their own convenience that could have been better. Not optimal, but very human.
Our local pd has reported an absolutely stunning level of automobile thefts, mostly from C stores. Most by a far margin had the keys in them, and a high percentage of stolen cars during May were actually still running. These are the people who leave their keys in the car when they stop, and go to the store to either pre-pay, or run their gas on a card at the pump, then go into the store for a red bull and a slim jim.

How stupid is that? They walk past loitering masses and should know that some of them are criminals. Then stand with their backs to the vehicle, sometimes waiting in line for ten minutes or longer.

how can anybody not realize that every time they do that, they are testing their luck? This is one of the decisions that I call "why not?" failures.

It's so damned simple. Carry your keys and lock your car when you get out. It's incredible, but that simple thing is going to prevent theft and break-ins. So, why don't they do it? Why in the world would anyone choose to trust to luck? What is wrong with people that they would do something like that? If you don't want to go through the whole ordeal of a lost car, stolen purse, maybe thousands of dollars of property, or even loss of your KIDS isn't your idea of a good time, why not?

Why, in the name of God, WHY NOT?

If there was any single thing that I would like to just grind into the mentality of everyone in the world, it would be this. Do leave the doors to your house unlocked when you are inside or at night, why not lock them instead? Why not wear the seat belt? why not turn off the lights when you leave the room?

All of those dead simple decisions can make a big difference at crucial times.
Definitely a lot of mistakes made. Leaving young children unattended in a vehicle with a loaded unsecured firearm among them.

Worst of all she called it a clip. Can't believe nobody called her out for that. :rolleyes:
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