Paranoia, when everyone IS against you, it's just common sense!

Jeff White

New member
I've been following some of the threads on Y2K and Martial Law and now Foreign Troops to put down domestic disorders.

I'd like to interject some things I've observed in my lifetime.

1. Democratic administrations seem to bring these feelings out in people. During the Carter years we had the so called "survivalist" movement. It was probably there earlier, but it really hit mainstream then. IIRC the big fear was that we were selling out our defense capability and the Soviets were going to come ala "Red Dawn" (great flick BTW) or there would be a nuclear strike on the US.

2. There is plenty of reason to be concerned about where our society is going and what is about to become of our way of life. We are losing the cultural war, but it's a civil war. I won't go into all of the incidents and reasons that we have to be concerned, let's just say that I acknowledge they are there and am very concerned myself.

3. We need to recognize a few facts:

1. All of the military forces and police that this country can muster would not be nearly enough to physically control much of this country.

2. The UN has NO army. The forces come from member nations. Most of these member nations don't have many men under arms. Look at who bears the brunt of UN operations now; the US, Great Britain, Canada, France, Holland etc. Have you ever wondered why? Not many other nations can afford it (I'll withhold comment on if we can afford it). To keep an army in the field is expensive. You have to provide all of it's necessities, food, water, fuel and ammunition. And it "produces" nothing. The civilian sector has to work to produce everything it takes to support an army. So if large numbers of foriegn soldiers are in North America to enslave us, where is their food, water, electricity etc. coming from? An army needs these things, by the ship load. So the next time you hear a rumor of a truck full of signs that say martial law, maybe you should look for truck loads of food etc. These soldiers have to be eating something.

3.The length of time a secret remains secret is directly proportional to the number of people who know the secret. Plans for martial law and a total mobilization would be too big to remain secret. Too many people who are think like or are members of TFL would be in a position to know and would disagree and at the very least, let the word out if not actively work to stop it from the inside.

I respect everyone's right to believe what he or she wants too. I just want to get some thinking going in the other direction. This nation couldn't be enslaved, except by it's own hand. There are still enough of us to keep that from happening. But we need to fight the battle for our culture. To win that battle, we have to keep the truth out there. We have to win the information war. If we don't the "Big Lie" that the mainstream media is duping the public with has to be countered with the truth. And right here at TFL we have the truth (for the most part). The mainstream media is scared to death of the internet. Why, it's an information source they can't control. And slowly but surely we're winning converts. Good people like Miss Demeanors and gunshy have found us and joined of their own free will.

I think we should even embrace one of the newest Clinton administration proposals. The one that would use our tax money to increase internet access amoung the population. Has anyone else heard the news reports on the surveys that show that those people with internet access tend to be more affluent. Lets put the internet in public houising and other places. The more people who get access to other sources of information besides the publishing and broadcasting giants the better.

Sorry to get longwinded, and I don't mean to offend anyone's beliefs. I just want to say we can win, if we have the patience of our opponents. They didn't strip us of our way of life overnight, and we're not going to take back the lost ground overnight. I'm trying to look at this as similar to 1942, where by all outward signs the axis was winning. In reality Midway and Stalingrad and some other seemingly small victories at the time actually spelled the beginning of the end for the axis.

So tonight as we gird ourselves for the coming personal blame the media is going to lay at our feet for the actions of another nutcase killing people with guns, lets remember, we have a 1999 Federal Court ruling that the 2d Amendment is an individaul right. Let's look at that as our Midway. It took three and a half years after that to put the axis away and it may take a generation to regain the Bill of Rights. Our cause is just and ultimately we will prevail.
Well said Jeff,
I ain't gonna happen overnight, but we can win. We don't have any other choice.

"Even a paranoid can have enemies."- Henry Kissinger
Jeff: Yeah, good post. I hope Ivan8883 reads it.

As a bit of historical footnote, a buddy of mine was still in the USMC Active Reserves in the late 1970s. He came back from Quantico one summer, somewhat nervous at the upper-echelon expectations about Russia's intentions.

With our military figuring Carter was seen by Russia as a weak President, they worried that the Warsaw Pact would go on summer maneuvers and execute a "Left Flank" toward the Bay of Biscay. A Hot Line phone call would in essence say to Carter, "Freeze, **er-**er, or get nuked" and we would face a fait accompi of a Russian-occupied Europe.

However, about that time Lech Walensa started the labor problems at Gdansk, which led to "untrustworthiness" of the Polish Army (over 40 divisions) which would have been to the Russian rear in the event of a European invasion.

A reasonable oversimplification, then, is that the actions of one man did indeed make one helluva big difference in history.
That was certainly a possibility. We were in pretty poor shape during the Carter years. But I wonder what is keeping the North Koreans in check. We are weaker now then we have been at any time since before WWII.

I see the Chinese as our greatest external threat. But when you look at the logistics involved in a large scale conflict (includes ground troops) I don't think anyone has the capability to challange us anywhere near our home turf. The greatest challenges to our way of life are internal. Outside of a regional power gaining control or a strategic resource our economy needs I don't see a foreign challenge. I don't think we should dismantle our military as is being done for us, but I do think we need a real defense policy.
Glory, amen.

The truth is less dramatic, but harder to fight. Governments by nature tend to assume power. Bureacracies by nature grow. Politicians want to be your mommy, and tell you when to go to bed, wash your face, and omigod! what you absolutely, positively, cannot have. We must be ever vigilant, but should "realistically assess potential threats" instead of making up useless novella plots from boredom.
I don't see any conspiracies either, but I think that pols are just trying to make political capital by appealing to the lowest common denominator, which, unfortunately, are a majority, with gun control and other planks in the Liberal agenda (which not a conspiriacy, at least not one with any clear leader). What, however, I fear is that these liberal pols will get enough power to accomplish their goals, like what happened in Weimar Germany, weaken the nation and pave the way for future authoritarian governments who will exploit these weaknesses.
How do you spell relief from paranoia, VOTE. Get out and vote, campaign, and raise money for good candidates. Get right in THEIR faces. If THEY are out to get you, you will find out fast enough. If enough gun owners voted in local and state elections we could muzzle the bas#!%&?. Keeping your freedom ain't going to be easy. Fear is another word for paranoia.
Would someone explain to me how we can remain militarily strong when the US Navy has well less than 300 total ships. My informant in the Navy says we have little left and "sinking " daily. Of coarse it was no conspiracy by Big Comrade to cut the fleet in half. It was just the right thing to do.
Jeff...excellent post. Many of the thoughts you have put forward have been going through my mind for some time, I don't think I could have put them down quite as eloquently as you have.

You are right about not having enough police and military to control this country under martial law or whatever. I suspect much of the military is just as troubled by what is going on in washington as we are. Most of the guard and reserve forces think like we do and would never listen to orders to turn this country into a police state.

Ivan, our navy may be shrinking, but who has a navy that can even stand up to us. The Russian fleet is falling apart and rusting away in port, China has no "Blue Water" capability and Even the British wouldn't last a week against us.

Our fight is internal, and at this time we are on the defensive and appear to be loosing. But if you look at all of the wars we have fought through our 230 plus years we always seem to be loosing untill one turning point. Saratoga, Gettysburg, Midway etc. I believe the American people as a whole are slowly becoming disolusioned with politicians and our overbearing government. Signs of this are the republican victories in 1994, the Perot candidacy and Jesse Ventura's election. We will see a turning point soon and the pendulum will start swinging our way. I think there will be some type of upheval shortly that will get us back to the path that built this nation, back to the Constitution and Morality.

We have to remain active and stay in the fight, this war won't be won with bullets but with ideas.

[This message has been edited by K80Geoff (edited August 01, 1999).]
Yeah, and the Navy is the most important service too, since it is responsible for delivering most troops (not enough airpower to do this w/o other means); protecting supplies, which, like troops, must usually arrive by sea to areas of conflict; and projecting first responses via airpower and bombardment capabilities. We could have cut the army instead, retaining armor, mechanized, airborne, and air cavalry elements and minimizing foot soldiers. Or strategic bombers for the air force. Thanks you draft dodging pot smoking intern f___ing piece of sh_t.
Gee, B you need not be so fawning over the president. I mean we know you like him but that much praise is a bit exessive, don't you think?