para-ordinance LDA???


Staff Alumnus
I just read a brief review of this DA 1911 HI-Cap today at the grocery store 9it kinda caught my eye).

Anyone have any experience with this model??

I've always been fascinated by seecamp's DA 1911's (I even have one) but this action is ALL NEW. (the notes on Para's mfg. process werre interesting too.)
Comments? Opinions? Rants? Raves?

Let me know.

Dr. Rob-I am very interested in this "new" action in the 1911. I have picked one up and pulled the trigger, dry fire, and it felt around 6 lbs. Not bad for a DA. I'm waiting for the local range to get one and I'll fire it then. I would definately purchase one if it passed my tests.
I just got one less than two weeks a go. It is a great pistol to shoot. I've got about 300 rnds though it. The trigger is great! If you have any questions I'd be happy to answer. Post here and email me as I don't get here as often as I'd like.