Para Ord. LDA 1445??

John Overbey

New member
Anyone have any thoughts on this model? I got to handle one at the local gun shop and I've gotta say it had a GREAT trigger, especially for a double actionm auto. I haven't heard much else about them thought, so I was kinda curious to see if anyone else here has any experience with them or opinions on their line of 1911-style autos. Thanks again.
I had one and hated it.The trigger pull was nice and the gun was accurate but I dont know why they did not make it striker fired.I did not see the point of having a hammer.I realized this after I forked the coin for the weapon.Also, none of the safties worked on mine.I could fire the gun without depressing the grip safety and I could dry fire the gun with the thumb safety on.SCARY!Buy a gun that was designed to be a double action.