Paper target storage question


New member
I just built a shed and dedicated an 8' shelf unit to storing target backers, range stuff, milk jugs, etc., for my little home range. I have several different types of paper targets and was wondering if anyone had any decent ideas on how to storage or organize them? I've got them in an old brine tank from my old softener, but they have to be rolled up. Plus, the lid is a pain in the ass to get off, but does keep the spiders out. Was thinking about making another shelf unit about 4' wide with several shelves to organize them flat, but that's going to take up a lot of space.

How's that? I have about 8 different types right now and don't know how that would work without wallpapering one whole wall.
I kept trying to organize them by type in a pair of cardboard boxes then I would go out to shoot and I'd mess up everything looking for a particular set of targets. Enter Rubbermaid bins the small ones. One for wild gamer targets, one for sighting in targets, one for bullseye targets, one for shooting games etc; Life is a lot easier now and it only takes up a little extra space than the boxes did because they are all labeled on the top front and side of each bin and they stack nicely on top of each other. Storage area is the footstep of the bottom bin plus vertical height. Larger targets like my 100 yard pistol targets get folded or rolled up to fit in the bins.
One thing that I do is cut a piece of 4" PVC pipe the appropriate length and roll the target backers into those tubes. One end of the tube is glued shut, the other end is a slip-fit. It's a very convenient way to store and transport target backers from my shop to the range.

Oh, nice shop, by the way. I'm jonesing for a set-up like that and I've been planning it for several years. Hopefully in another year or so, I'll break ground on my shop. The land is clear and the plans are just about final. Now all I've got to do is get the money together.
I like the idea of the PVC tubes. That would be a good space saver. Still debating on making a set of shelves where I can just see and pull off whatever I want.

I'll get a picture of the downstairs and post it up. The upstairs was meant to just be general storage but is turning into my range and hunting gear room. This was kind of a spur of the moment project when I got ****** after running out of room for cars in my garage. I've got a 38x40 garage that was taken over by mowers and kids toys.
I like the PVC pipe. If you live in an area of high humidity, throw some descant in with them and it will prevent molding and dampness.

label each tube with the type target it contains.

Since I have stopped shooting competitively, I use the cheapest paper plates i can get from wal mart. Simulates the vitals of most game animals.
ltc444 said:
I use the cheapest paper plates i can get from wal mart. Simulates the vitals of most game animals.

I normally keep some of those as well, especially for tuning-up the grandkids and nephews before the hunting season. If they can't hit that paper plate on demand they need more work in the marksmanship program.
Might look at a hanging file, the kind used for engineering drawings. The sheets are secured by a clamping rail, then the ends of the rails rest on detents in the sides of the file. You can store hundreds of sheets in a 12" deep cabinet about 30" or 36" wide, if you a top-opening cabinet, the wall-type cabinets look like a wall locker and open into the room. The top-open cabinet is best from the standpoint of using less room, although both kinds use about the same floor space.