Paper Punchin Day...

Mike / Tx

New member
Well I finally got a chance to get out and do some shooting with some of the newer cast loads I had made up.

As I mentioned the other day I had poured up some of the MP 313640 which turned out great. I had expressly purchased this mold with the 30 Carbine Blackhawk in mind. I made up loads using AA-9, some with 2400, and some with the surplus powder Salut. I loaded them all to top end loads as I wasn't concerned with finding out how they shot on the lower end. This is a go fast or not at all deal.

I have loaded jacketed bullets with these loads before and they shot well so I had high hopes of these working out well also. So I get to the range and there is a full blown metal shoot going on over in the pistol bays so no chance of getting in there with the revolver.

Luckily I also had brought along my Contender to try out some top end .357 loads out of the 10" barrel to see how they did at 50yds. To be honest, they all did great for what they were, the downside is your going to have to wait for me to download and shrink the pics in order to post them.

But hey, at least I got proof that I shot some of them......:D
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