Paper patching for .45-70


New member
I picked up an H&R Handi Rifle last week, and plan to do some black powder loads for it. I have a bunch of .45 Colt (.452) hard cast lead bullets that I want to use but they'll require paper patch to get up to .459 for the .45-70. I've seen some videos on paper patching and a lot of folks run them through a lube sizer after patching them. I don't have a sizer, but I'm wondering if that step is really required. Also, any insights on paper type and templates would be very helpful. What do you do?
Been only paper patching for a short time. For this: 30-30 this too> 300 Savage.

You'll need to undersize your cast by 7 or 8 thousandths from your desired measurement. As most (preferred wood fibered) papers will require that amount of undersize so's to 2-wrap your bullets back up to that desired diameter your wanting.
Not having a lube/sizer is not a problem. So long as a singe stage press is available your good.
Also: To resize your bullet to that smaller pre-patch dia. PM this fellow (link) to have a custom made Lee Push-Thru re-sizer die made just for that purpose that works in your brand of press. He is a excellent machinist and his prices are very reasonable. And too he give good (experienced) advice on this technique of paper patching.

Buckshot at:
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The bullets I want to use are already undersized by .007. I'm not casting them. Just trying to use 45 Colt bullets (.452) in a .45-70 (.459).
Shut Shot hit it on the head. If you haven't checked out the castboolit site - you need to. There is forum on paper patching for both smokeless and BP. Easy to register on the site. Lots of good information in the "stickies" at the top of the forums.
I forgot your bullets are 7 thousandths already undersized. Then its just a matter of getting the right paper for the technique. Use the link I sent previously for Buckshots write: Patching-paper __suggested brands.

Bedbugbilly is spot on with his advice also. You need to read those C/Boolits stickys and members commenting on each of the two subject: Black/powder Paper Patching and Smokeless Paper Patching. Once both categories are completely read you will have a good understanding of how to Paper Patch correctly.