Paper for Speed Steel


New member
I've lately been using paper targets for my speed steel practice, and I think it's helping. I take artist's newsprint tablet, which is pretty cheap at the office supply store. On each page, I draw a 10" circle using my steel target as a template. Then I set up five paper targets (with cardboard backing). If I am missing, I can easily see if I'm high or low or left or right. If all shots are near the center, then I speed up until I get a couple near the outer edge of the circle. My aim is to be as fast as I can with all five shots in the circle, but some of them nearly outside.

Anybody tried this approach?
When I first started practicing for speed events I used clay targets as they were smaller then what I would be shooting at.
I knew that if I could hit the clay targets with speed I could hit my other targets with speed.

Here's a little advice that was given to me by one of the best pistol shooters I ever had the pleasure to know and it sure does work.

Load one round per target, if you miss stop that run load one round per target and start again. Do this until you are consistent on making clean runs on all your targets.
The point of this is, you don't want to practice missing.

I was big into pin shooting at the time, a regulation pin set for the main event was five pins, two on the upper tier three on the lower tier.
I would load five rounds in my gun and shoot five for five, stopped if I missed, reloaded my gun, reset pins and started over, I did this until I could hit all five pins with speed.

My fastest time on a last shot stop timer for five pins on a regulation set was 1.65 seconds.
There's a video on my website a gentleman sent to me of me shooting pins at a regulation pin match in PA, it will show what a regulation pin table and pin set looks like.

I loved competing in speed events, good luck in any that you choose to compete in.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
That's kind of what I've always done, but with 8" and 6" circles,
beginning the session at what ever distance is suitable for the larger targets that day.
When the 8"s get consistently hit, then I switch to the 6".
When they get consistently hit, then I back up to increase distance.
When the misses start, then it's time to go home.
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