paper cartridges


New member
I just bought a paper cartridge kit off of e bay and was wondering if anyone has ever used them. Good? Bad? Ugly? Thanks, this site is very informative
Wingbone, Never knew they made a kit for making them. What all comes with it and how does it work? I made many of them the old fashion way but never really liked them. For some reason I was getting to much preasure and my caps were acting strang. Had a few hang fires too.I'm sure most of my problems were caused by a dummy named, ME!! :)
Try this link, it will give you lots of info and I'm sure they would like to hear about your paper bullet kit. Take care and shoot straight!, Mike
paper cartridge

The kit seems simple enough, soak the paper in nitrate solution. Roll it over the proper size dowel, which is supplied in .36 and .44 cal. fold the end and glue it. Then glue the ball in. Too easy? I've never shot cap and ball but have 2 I'd love to try. Thanks for your feedback. I hope he dosent mind but his description reads:
Combustible cartridge kit for cap & ball revolvers as reviewed in CIVIL WAR FIREARMS, by Joseph Bilby. Kit enables you to make self consuming paper cartridges for .36 and .44 cal. cap & ball pistols. You get all components from nitrating compound to correct cotton fiber paper and both size forming patterns, all with an in depth easy to follow instruction manual. Also included in manual are how to make more realistic sounding blank cartridges and how to make wax chamber sealing wads for pennies instead of using the costly fiber sealing wads Spend more time shooting and less time reloading. Work great for cowboy action shooters.