PANAMA CANAL: Giving away national security!

Paul Revere

New member
If you haven't heard about the Panama Canal, Carter-Torrijos Treaty, which hands over the Panama Canal to Panama on 31 December 1999, then in turn to the Communist Red Chinese thereafter you should read this now! And we never thought those Chinese political contributions (bribes) would ever effect our national security and sovereignity.
The only reason China hasn't invade Taiwan, is cuz it doesn't have the ablility to put troops on the ground.
if she can't put troops on the ground in Taiwan, how is she gonna put troops on the ground in panama?
If military transport left china and headed east, our air force would all over that in a second

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
Japan in WWII had plans to take out the locks in panama to slow the us navy bringing ships from the Atlantic theatre to the Pacific...
They had build 12 HUGE carrier subs that each carried a special fighter bomber inside a GIANT tube. The plane lanched like a cruise missle... The plane was called "Celeron" - not unlike the CPU Chip...
The japanese had them - but did not use them. Had they done so - it would have sucked for US!

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


Add the Panama Canal to the growing list of treachery from Congress and the Executive Branch dating back decades. Our government has given so much of our freedom,economic wealth, and sovereignty away that the Canal is just icing on the cake of treachery by our elected oficials.As 1999 comes to a close, the United States of America has gone from a creditor,manufacturing, and agricultural leader to a debt ridden, service oriented,and food importing nation. Our national security disappeared long ago. Welcome to the Global Plantation !
Regarding the planned Japanese attack on the Canal lock gates...

The attack was to use the First Submarine Flotilla, which consisted of the submarines I-400 and I-401 (the largest submarines of the war, 18 were considered but only 4 were built) each launching three M6A1 "Seiran" (Mountain Haze) floatplanes, and I-13 and I-14, which were to contribute two M6A1's to the attack.

The aircraft featured a complicated folding system for the wings and tail, allowing stowage in watertight hangers. They could be prepared for flight in less than seven minutes and were launched via a catapult on the foredeck. A similar system would later be used in the U.S. Navy's Regulus cruise missile program.

Delays and a worsening war situation held back deployment until late July 1945. The target was changed to the American fleet anchorage at Ulithi Atoll, but the war ended before the units reached the launch zone.

As the ten aircraft could only carry two 250 kg or a single 850 kg bomb, it seems unlikely that an attack could have caused more than temporary damage to the Canal complex.

I'm guessing "Seiran" sounded a bit like "Celeron" to Kodiac. I always thought "Celeron" would be a good name for a "Salad Shooter"-like gizmo.

[This message has been edited by RepublicThunderbolt (edited July 15, 1999).]
Don't worry, Paul. If the US wants the Panama Canal back because someone is denying us access we will have it back. No one is strong enough to stop us.
How about some facts here, folks, legal, historical, and naval.

Panama was part of Colombia. The US approached Colombia about the Canal. Colombia said no. So the US supported Panamanian revolutionaries to split from Colombia.

The land for the Panama Canal was LEASED from the beginning in the ORIGINAL treaty and the length of this lease has not been changed by subsequent treaties. As in the US, if you build on leased land, at the end of the lease then the lease owner (Panama) retains ownership of anything built on the land.

There is not a single US Navy task force that can use the Canal. Every carrier we have is too big. Many of our oil tankers are too big. The canal was built in a different era for different ships. The possession or lack thereof is not nearly the strategic prize it once was.

Yeah, right, China's anemic navy is going to steam halfway around the world and occupy the Canal Zone thereby subjugating the Earth.
Nice historical info guys.

In fact when Japan built the Yamato class battleships in WWII they knew that they were so large that if the US tried to match them they would be too large to pass through the canal.
No one is strong enough to stop us?

Right, Bush will just run down to Panama, speak a little Tex-Mex, and the canal is ours.

You're too smart for this, Frank!

Unemployed power loses its deterent value. We limited our victory in Iraq, Iran made us look impotent, Milosovic made us look incompetent, we have a compete dirtbag as a President, our Congres is a bunch of back-stabbing liars, our War on Drugs is persecuting Americans without ridding us of drugs, more than half of our earnings goes to taxes, and on and on.

Oh, yeah. Jeez, am I ever happy. Oboy!
Let's make sure we make no changes to this wonderfully effective and efficient machine!
Oh, man! This is the best country on earth so we dare do NOTHING to make it better except outlaw those pesky firearms!
Then we can make it REALLY good!

Take it back? We can't even keep our freedoms!

((DC, I asked, "Where is the friggin' CLUEBAT!!))
Dennis, you just said the phrase that marks these GDP(general dumb public). Whenever you hear someone respond to criticizism of the corrupt government with the phrase"well its still the best government in the world",one knows immediately that they are GDP and have not done any homework. Against any serious threat or threats, our military would be in serious trouble. The Big comrade in the last 7years has nearly destroyed our military except against third rate countries. I dont see a war with China,however, for several years. Not until the NWO can consolidate its power in the former United States of America and the rest of North America(already controls Europe) will the stage be set for war with China. Actually ,I see Chinese military who have been training with our troops already being used with the other foreign troops already here for gun confiscation and crowd control during eminent martial law.
If you don't like the Government leave. It may not be as good as it use to be, but it beats all the other alternatives. and it sure beats communism, socialism or a tyranical regime.
The US military has not been training with the red guard. The only chinese military the US has trained with the the military from the ROC aka taiwan. Being as Taiwan is where the legit government of China is, and what the US considered China until Nixon decided to acknowledge the Commies on the Mainland, I could see where you might be confused
Chink, I can always tell someone is generally ignorant of what is going on when he or she makes that classic statement" if you dont like the country leave it". Another classic GDP statement is "its still the best country in the world". People dont or cant do the research into the nearly completed takeover of the nation by the Corporate United States Govt. Our government follows corporate law,not constitutional law and the judicial system will tell you to sit down and shut up if you complain that your constitutional rights are being violated. The masses just dont get it. We are citizens of a corporate state;not a constitutional Republic as was intended. I dont plan to leave but I would like to see the Federal government Leave the court system,Leave the economic system(abolish Federal Reserve and,its collecting agency the IRS),Leave the public fool system, and Leave the UN just for starters. Put the Federal government back in the 10square mile DC and Puerto Rico. By the way, the Navy seals have been training with Chicom troops. There are so many foreign troops here already that it is mindbogling. A friend of mine told me that it is getting hopeless talking to the Gdp. BUt maybe it is not all their fault because they dont get the info I and others get from shortwave and other sources. I have news for you Chink. We the people are the government:not the other way around. The government is the ursurper,not the people who see this and criticize such unconstitutional acts. But the people are condtioned to believe the government is the ruler. I am a sovereign not a serf to a corporate state.
Our Government is not run by constitutional law anymore, but it isn't run by coporate law either. its run by money. the people with the most money get their way. thats they way its been, that the way will be. the "founding fathers" didn't first a revolution for the common folk. they fought it to reduce taxes and raise profit margins by getting the ability to trade with other countries. The declaration of independence was created to raise popular support when the rebels were down. the constitution was created to legitimize the new country and the bill of rights was created so that New York and a couple other northern states would rafity the constitution (actually promise, cua the BoR didn't wasn't passed until the first congress).
This country isn't as good as it usta be, but its not as bad as what else is out there. In my short 21 years, i have lived in taiwan, i did a little stint in mexico, and south africa. this place beat then all, except for the fact the i can get bootlegged stuff cheaper and more easily in taiwan.
I agree wholeheartedly that our government "ain't what it used to be". And there were things wrong with it back "then" (whenever that was...).

And whether we agree with your rather cynical viewpoint of the Constitution is beside the point at the moment.

Our government is on the verge of getting completely out of hand - of becoming more like those other governments you allude to which are worse than ours. (And I DO agree with you on that.)

So, while "We the People" still might have a means to prevent our government from becoming like one of the worse ones, why don't we "take the bull by the tail and face the situation"?

Let's stop our downhill slide. We ole folks remember how much easier life was fifty years ago. You young folks are the hope it can be that way again.

In short, our government may be better than others - that's poor reason to mimic them.
The unfortunate fact is that I represent a minority in my generation. Although my generation is very politcally aware, most people have the feeling the if it doesn't effect me it doesn't matter. Most don't know that he Declaration of Independence doesn't equal the Constitution, and that the Bill of Rights is a statement of rights not a giving of rights.
If one doesn't understand those basic things, it is hard to protect, preserve the Constitution as are President, and other electted officals care sworn to do when they take office.
we grew up in a generation where scandals and personal agendas have run policy, not the good of the country, which has lead many, myself included to have a cynical attitude towards the government (not our, cuz I didn't vote for most of the people representing my state)
If i'm the future, then the future looks bleak. there are so many of my peer that are afriad/ignorant about firearms, reversing the current political tide will be difficult.
governemnts will always have their faults, I just feel that the US gov't had a lot less in 1899.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
It's my understanding that "Corporate = Money (Profit)".

Chink, if this is true, then what you have said, <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Our Government is not run by constitutional law anymore, but it isn't run by coporate law either. its run by money.[/quote]

Varifies, what Ivan has been saying.

The last time I made out a check for a ticket I wrote it to an incorporated city. What gives with that?

Another thing: Why should we be declining and say we are alright? That's like being on the high end of a sinking ship and saying, "Well, yeah we're sinking, but at least we'll be the last to drown!"


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..."

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited July 19, 1999).]
Aha. Thanks. I see we're a lot closer than I originally believed. I, too, am cynical about our government. I'm really fed up with their royal treatment for themselves, their cheating and lying, and treating us like subjects.

1899 is a little bit before my time :D, but I remember doing innocent things that hurt nobody when I was a kid that would get me jail time now. Hunting or just roaming around in farmers' fields with a .22 rifle. Shooting groundhogs (they mess up farm equipment) with the only caution being, "For God's sake, boy, don't shoot the cows!" :D

Well, I'm ramblin' in the wrong thread.

We just need to regain control over our government before they gain total and absolute control over us. And I have to hope this "younger" generation also will become fed up with this current mess. Time will tell.
Dan, I dont have exact figures. Only the powers to be do. There are at least 40000 German troops at Holloman Air force base alone. Places like Ft Polk and Ft Hood have many of them . I have been told Ft Dix,my old basic training camp, has been taken completely over by foriegn troops. I have heard figures of hundreds of thousands on up. America is a big country and a million foreign troops could easily be here and the average person wouldnt have a clue. The German Air force, as an example, has been given soverignty over its territory in New Mexico. Ranchers in Texas are trying to sue Germans for distrubing their property with flightsbut courts say this is their right! Too many people are seeing these foreign troops and even talking to them about their mission s here. Alex Jones website, has a lot of information on foreign troops in America. Get a shortwave radio and you can find out what is really going on. Pam Schubert has a radio show Saturday 5-6 Pm edt on 12.160 She has interviewed many of the Germans in New Mexico who have told her why they are her in America. Basically, these Germans ,who the locals find arrogant ,claim they are here with the other foreigners to confiscate guns when the time comes for such operations. All I can do is report what I hear and what other people have told me . Dont worry though. Your government media wont be talking about such subjects.