Pale Rider's revo?


In that movie, there is the scene when Clint Eastwood stops in the middle of the street to re-load his pistol.
He pulls the rod under the barrel, gun opens and he puts in another cylinder.
(I think I remember it right!:o)
What pistol is it?
I believe it was a variation on the 1858 Remington.

The original Remington Army had a slot that allowed you to pull the base pin and remove the cylinder for fast reloading at any time. The Army didn't like this feature, since it could theoretically allow the base pin and cylinder to pop out and be lost in combat. Remington modified the design with an unslotted loading lever that blocked the base pin in place. You could still switch cylinders as a method of speedloading, but you had to drop the loading lever first.

Therefore, any Remington 1858 or variant could speed-load by changing cylinders fairly easily. Very easily, if it was one of the first, or had been modified to be like one of the first.

As far as I've been able to find from reading, speedloading with a spare cylinder was never that popular in the cap-and-ball era. In the cartridge era even less so, since with cartridges there wouldn't be as much of a speed advantage (if any) in reloading this way, and carrying cylinders loaded with cartridges wouldn't be practical; the cartridges would tend to fall out. That doesn't mean that somebody wouldn't do it in a Western movie, though. Especially an Eastwood western. His films tended to have less famous firearms in them- Remingtons, Colt cap and balls, the Schofield, Spencer, Savage 99, etc. Whether because he thinks they're cool or because it gives a bit of added authenticity I don't know.
It appears to be a Remmie 1858 with a cartridge converter of some kind. But there is no end plate like the on the Kirst and R&D converters.

I just had to watch the scene again and you will also notice in the the scene where he is in the store drinking coffee, LaHoods men burst in and empty all their chambers and then busy themselves loading new cartridges in what appears to be Colt 1860s :confused:

Got to love Hollywood :rolleyes:
Thanks guys!
I love the way they spend 10 minutes shootin' up the place!!
How long does it take to realize a room is EMPTY!!!:rolleyes:
GREAT casting for LaHood doncha think!
I must admit I have always liked a good Eastwood movie whether a Western or the Dirty Harry series. My favorite western is definitely The Outlaw Josie Wales. I have seen them all 40 or 50 times. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly is excellent in surround sound by the way.

MY favorite movie Pale Rider .. its an R&D drop in conversion .. or a copy of one . Eastwood does drop the loading lever and pull the pin to change out the cylinder,and it looks like he`s done it a few times ..
You wanna see some cool authentic guns rent (or buy, borrow, steal) "Lonesome Dove" with Robert Duvall & Tommy Lee Jones. By the way, Tommy Lee did his own bronc riding in the movie.
Clint Eastwood shot a Kenny Howell '58 Remington Conversion in Pale Rider.
I have a book on Conversions old and new and it is in the book. I'll look and see what the title and author are. The book also has Tom Selleck's Pistols from Crossfire Trail in it too. Also made by Kenny Howell as I remember.