Pakistan Competitions?


New member
Hello Fellow gunners..

I know most of you are in the states but I've also seen some Paki members here.. or may be you guys know something..

Are there any shooting competitions held in Pakistan? (esp Karachi / Lahore / Islamabad)? If yes, where and when?

If no, there are some excellent ranges and many people who would like to shoot in a competition.. I know of at least 10 others.. can be more.. Can something be organized? (There was once a local shooting competition in the Rangers Shooting Range, Karachi.. Entry was only $5 (500 rupees).. 100+ registered people came.. but it was long time ago..
If you know of 10 people who want to compete, get together with them and set something up. There is a wealth of resources online in terms of types of competititions, corresponding rules, courses of fire, etc.
Contact IPSC Worldwide and see what it takes to set up a new competition region. They successfully did that here in Estonia, so I can't see why it wouldn't be possible to do so there.
Thank you all!

One of my friends is now in contact with the IPSC

Apparently the laws and paperwork are too much.. started the process!
two or more with guns and you have a competition. anything can be used for a target, and you can pick the distance.

coke can on fence post at 20 paces.

paper target attached to a fence

playing cards on edge.

lots of possibilities...
finally something!



I hope you get a chance to compete.

I notice that kids have no lower age limit!! :eek:
And, the "burst the head" stage might raise a few eyebrows, though!!
Be careful what type of shooting you are getting into in the Middle East. A while back, a good friend and accomplished trapshooter was working in Saudi Arabia for a while. He asked about trapshooting opportunities, and was invited by some locals to their facility. Shot 4 rounds of trap -- tab was $ 500.00 -- $ 125.00 a round. And these weren't even ATA birds. The sport of kings.