Paint chips as targets


New member
Just got given a box of paint chips, like they have at paint counters. Was going to toss them when it struck me, what great targets. I set up mutiple colors and can have my spotter call then.

Thought I would pass the idea along, these were from a store closing, no cleaning out home depots guys....
You know, that is a really good idea!

You can buy targets with different colors, numbers and shapes, but hey, why pay for it when you can make it for free (or just about)? (I am being serious and not sarcastic, believe it or not). You can even get creative and make different shapes out of them.

Again, great find!
The wife has a stack of them on the paint chips, no painting...right?;)
Ill just cross that one off the honey-do list and go to the range instead.:D
Excellent suggestion

Bravo for the most excellent suggestion to use the sample paint chips. In the past 50 years of shooting, i have also done this with worn-out playing cards. Thanks again !!!!!

A friend of mine worked for a paint company, and he got 200-300 1 gal. paint can lids. We used them for skeet and target practice. They were reusable, just beat all the dents from the bird shot and throw it again! It was fun.
Thanks guys, I have seen well practiced shooters doing awesome drills on playing cards, number and shape targets, I hope with time to be half as good with that kind of dynamic shooting
I wonder who is going to pick up all them small pieces of paper??

Dont leave em lay like range slobs do at a nearby range.
Great find! I have used cardboard and spraypaint for years to do the same thing(like yellow triangle or red circle). Less work this way. Thanks a lot!
I live next to a golf I get plenty "stray" golf balls on the guess what I use for target practice.

They make a nice white cloud with a .308