PAIIPER - where are you ?


New member
SORRY. looking for PIPPER.I have two surefires. Will GIVE them to you if you want. I hate them . You pay the postage.

An X is still an X with a Quarter Inch group at 100 yards
With a Quarter Inch Group on the keyboard an X could be - Z,S,D, or C.
I am a quarter inch typist - Please excuse the errors!

[This message has been edited by Riss (edited November 17, 1999).]
You gotta be kidding-I'll take 'em. :)
Hell, I'd even pay a little cash . . .

Seriously, if you don't mind my asking, what don't you like about the Surefire? I have a very cheap small flash right now with about the same controls, and I like it a lot. Maybe you know a reason why I should stick with it rather than save up for that Surefire?


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Well to tell you the truth I have had problems with the bulbs blowing. I cannot afford to have my flashlight die at work, so I have moved to another brand. At this point the SureFire is only taking up room in my shop. That's why I singled him out, looking for someone that likes the Surefire and will give it a good home.

An X is still an X with a Quarter Inch group at 100 yards
With a Quarter Inch Group on the keyboard an X could be - Z,S,D, or C.
I am a quarter inch typist - Please excuse the errors!