Pager Pal?


New member
Has anybody used one of these things? Thinking about trying it for my Kahr .40 when my shirt is tucked in. Saw a pager pal salesman at a gunshow a couple of years ago who was concealing a large .45. I couldn't even tell it was there.

Thanks, DWM
But is it comfortable? Especially when wearing for longer periods of time. I haven' t tried one personally but that holster/ gun sits pretty darn low. Just my thoughts.


"To earn a million is easy, a real friend is not."
Comfort with a Pager Pal is relative to body size and your lifestyle/job. If, like myself, you are not a large person (5'7", 150#, 32in waist) the holster will print. It will also dig like a shovel when you are sitting while wearing anything but pleated front Dockers. (personal experience. YMMV.) I gave mine to a friend. She loves it. Go figure. ;)

May your lead always hit center mass and your brass always land in your range bag.

I had one, and it wasn't for me. I was using it to conceal a Glock 33 (baby frame), and there was too much of a bulge evident - right to the right of my crotch. (This was with Levi's loose-fit jeans, and I wasn't too fat for them, either.) I got lots of odd looks when I wore it to a work-related gathering. No one made me, I think, but I felt awkward, and it made me not want to use the thing unless I wore it in the back with a shirt over it. And, hey, why not a standard IWB holster in that case? (BTW, the "pager" looks like crap; get the optional knife sheath to use with it.)

I suspect the thing would actually work better with a large flat pistol like a 1911. But, for me, I'm sticking with my Blade Tech UCH.
Several people in past posts have said that they were too large/heavy to conceal the pager pal. Also, several people have said that they were too small/lightweight to conceal the pager pal. For what size people was this thing made? :D I'm (5'9"/132 lbs.), so definitely of small frame. I'm skeptical that this will work for me, in jeans anyway, but will try it out at my gun range (pager pal dealer).

I was thinking of getting one of those
to carry a Kahr K9 I plan on buying, but
now I'm not too sure. I, too, am on the
small side (5'7", 137 lbs.) and I hate
wearing baggy clothes (I have no extra flesh to hide, which, in this case, is not a bless ing). I'll have to check it out at the next gun show I go to--that's the only way to be
sure about the fit.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.

[This message has been edited by DAL (edited October 18, 1999).]
Yes DAL. That is the best way. Check them out before making a decision. Try it on and experiment in different body positions. Sit on a chair, get up and down. Bend over to tie your shoelaces. Is it still comfortable? Will it make a noticeable sound when bumping into a hard object such as an office table, bookshelf, doorknob? Or even someones elbow! It has happened. Also the actual sidearm (unloaded of course) to try it with is a must. Or perhaps there is a dealer there that has a "red gun" of your particular model. Hope this helps a bit.


"To earn a million is easy, a real friend is not."
They work pretty well for:
Seacamp .32
Astra Cub .25
NAA Guardian .32
Walther PPK

A Bersa .380 would be the biggest gun I would attempt with it.

To quote my wife who didn't know I had it at the time - and this was with a PPK/S in it:
"You look swollen or bloated are you okay?"

3 hours later I traded the new Pager Pal back in on a well used Yaqui slide.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud