Pager Pal Holster--Any good?

Fudgie Ghost

New member
I've posted this in the "Handguns" forum as well: Has anybody used the "Pager Pal" holster? If so what is your opinion. Look foward to the responses.
I have tried these on at two gun shows with a different gun each time. Personally, I could not get the things to work right for me. The guy behind the counter seemed to be able to get his in a position to sit down easily, but I could not do this without something getting pinched or having an apparently tumor under my trousers. My wife did comment that the pager pal, when worn in the center, did give me quite the manly look, saying that my basket looked full! I don't wish to broadcast that I am carrying a gun or that my basket looks full.

Like every other holster, you have to have the right clothing, right body proportions, and correct placement to make them work for you. I apparently had none of these correct.

This isn't a slam on Pager Pal. I can't get SOB holsters to conceal worth a darn either.