Packing up my loading bench


New member
GOOD GRIEF do I have a LOT of reloading gear & supplies....... even after trading off my off calibers and oddballs, and recycling my scrap, and pouring my scrap lead into ingots, I'm having trouble boxing it all up for the move - Leaving north Texas after 34 years here ( wow - has it been that long!!! ) and we're heading back to Baton Rouge towards family. I will be filling one 5 X 8 uhaul trailer w/ nothing but my reloading stuff - ok maybe not a whole trailer - but most of one...... My next reloading area will have dedicated custom built shelving..... and GREAT lighting and perhaps even a vent hood so I can cast inside.....
Yep, I just went through that a year ago. And I was only in the game 3 or for years. My dad, who helped was amazed at the amount of stuff I had, which filled a 10x12 room. After getting rid of my shotshell stuff, and ditching my bench, I was able to fit it, and basically my clothes in a 6x8 I think it was uhaul, packed to the top.

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Yep, it's amazing how it all accumulates!

I've been reloading for about 15 year. I'm on my fourth press, and have two shot shell presses I've never used. I've taken one box of no-longer-used reloading gear to the local auction and have given a press to my brother. I'm on my second brass tumbler, and I have shelves laden with components and reloading manuals. Someday when we down size to a smaller house, I'm gonna have loads of stuff to move as well. Gotta love it.

Life is good.
Prof Young
I feel for you, I just went through that myself. Funniest part was when unloading the moving container my brother in law asked " is there any box that goes in that reloading room that weighs less than 100 pounds ?" Good luck

Next time I move it will be to the morgue
Is Baton Rouge not a great deal more humid than anywhere in Texas? Will you have to think of getting a dehumidifier for your new loading room?
Been in London for 21 years, now. I hate moving. Mind you, if I moved my rent would go way up.
My wife and I moved a year ago, leaving a house we had been in for 35 years. We moved only 15 minutes away, but going through 35 years of crap was an ordeal. She groused about how much gun stuff I was moving until we started moving her sewing stuff, and it took about twice as many trips. Odd silence then ensued.
I forgot the details but decades a go China excavated an Emperors tomb. His was big but the wife's was way bigger.
I'm actually thinking of putting an extra mini-split unit in the reloading / craft room and possibly a vent hood so I can do casting indoors. Because you're absolutely right - Baton Rouge is like a wet sauna for humidity and will be hell on lead casting and probably powder-coating as well.
Yep, lived in BTR for 50 years and glad to be in Alabama. You should look up Dan Calvert, with Lipsey's. He was my Gunsmith for many years and an avid reloader.
The wife and I just returned from an exploratory trip to Twin Falls Idaho. We have all but committed to move to there. Done with California - for reasons I'm sure I need not mention here.

I too have been wondering how I'm going to pack up and move all my reloading gear. I'm sure no moving companies will move propellant, primers, and ammo - pretty sure I gotta do that myself. Heck, I don't even know if it's legal to transport gun powder across state lines. I have about 37 Lbs.

Aaaaaand then there's the guns . . .