PA bear

Are you serious? man that is a lot of bears. how about send of them down our way so i won't have to go to nc to hunt 'em :D
Yep, lots of 'em

And some were really big. My neighbor got a 415 pounder in Mercer co., there was one in the paper from Crawford that was 535# & I think I read they got 7 or 8 ranging in the 600-700# class.:eek: Now thems some BIG PA black bears.

I think I'll have to take up bear hunting next year.;)
I think he was using his 7mm Rem mag. with 175gr. noslers, but I'm not 100% sure.

They drive hunt a lot for 'em around here, the bears just hold up in the thickest stuff you've ever seen after opening day.

My buddy & his group usually send the walkers through big gullies that are thick with tornado slashings. They put the shooters up on the ridges to watch down in & a couple guys @ the end of the ravine & push 'em out.

This is just hear-say though, like I said, I haven't gone after 'em (yet):D
Big Bear

Never having had the chance for bear to hit my pallet - what does it taste like?

-5 if I hear "chicken".

I've been told the taste varies depending on diet. Where I hunt there are lots of swamps and scrub, and berry seeds in the droppings are a good sign. But bear have a terrible sense of taste, they will eat stuff that would gag a maggot. Get one that has been eating road kill along the turnpike or raiding trash bins and, ... not so good
Only had it once. Maybe it was the way is was dressed out or maybe it was the cook, but it was tough, gamey, and greasy :( . I've been told that bear meat needs to be cooked the same as pork, for the same reasons.
I would not kill one because it just doesn't sound good to eat I have heard that they are very greasy and very wild I like to eat wild game hold on that's all I eat but Bear I don't think so heck when hogs down here in Texas get over like 250 they aren't any good too much fat I would think the same concept with a Bear over too much and they are bad to eat IDK just me thinking it would be cool to kill one though:D :D :D