P99 May Supplant PPQ


New member
I've had a PPQ since they came out about 7 years ago or so, but just picked up an excellent condition used P99.

I have to say, I do somewhat prefer the PPQ's grip a bit, but the P99 is one sweet pistol. In single action, it breaks as clean and light as the PPQ (even a tad lighter, right at 4 lbs). And I love the double action and anti stress options for a first shot. Even though the PPQ's grip feels a little more ergonomic, the P99's feels a bit slimmer on the sides. I actually shot the P99 slightly better at the range this weekend as well (but that could be just a fluke).

Along with the G19 Gen 5 I picked up a couple months back, and my Kahr CM9, this might round out my carry guns enough that I may relegate the PPQ to the back of the safe (or may even put it up on the selling block at some point).

Morale of the story: the P99, while not the newest design on the market, warrants your consideration for a solid "do everything" mid-size 9mm.

I've been shooting a PPQ (9mm) for about 3 years now. And I have been quite happy with it. No, I LOVE it. No problems at all and more reliable than any pistol I have ever owned.

Then, for some reason, I started looking into the P99 AS. Why? Probably because of the de-cocker feature. I also own an HK 45C (.45 ACP) which is DA/SA and I have used it in competition, so I was not afraid of the long heavy DA pull on the first shot. In fact, I shot quite well with it and came to actually like the DA on the first round. So, I thought having a DA/SA striker fired decock-able pistol in the same family as one I loved might be a good thing to try.

So, a couple of months ago, I bought the P99 AS. Long story shortened, I now LOVE the P99 AS - a LOT. The PPQ takes a very close 2nd place. My carry equipment is now the P99. I carry it in SA/DA mode, and I really like the ability to de-cock before holstering. It even uses the PPQ magazines and fits perfectly in the PPQ's holster! I have not shot it as much as the PPQ, but the more I shoot it, the more I like it.

Please note: I really hate the feel of polymer grips. They always make me feel like I am about to drop the thing, even when I am firmly holding onto it. I have done my own grip tape work on both the PPQ and P99 and it makes a world of difference, giving a sound and secure purchase. I highly recommend doing it.
The next barely used P99 AS 9mm I see in an LGS used gun case for around $350.00 will be mine! It seems that a fair number of these end up for resale, most probably due to the unique manual of arms.
The p99 is interesting with its second strike capability and decocker button. The PPQ I don’t know what happened, walther watered down a P99 removed the best qualities and kept the bad ones namely higher recoil and slippery grip.

The trigger is nice but these days nearly all guns even pocket pistols can drill a ragged hole
I was fortunate enough to find mine barely used for $305. Yeah, I'm enjoying this and am not sure the PPQ really fills a niche in the lineup anymore.
The grip on the P99 has always felt better to me than the PPQ.

Same here.

The grip is somewhat smooth compared to the latest designs (or maybe we've just gotten used to the overly-rough textures on many new pistols), but the profile still manages to keep it secure in hand.

It seems that a fair number of these end up for resale, most probably due to the unique manual of arms.

In practice, the manual of arms is really no different than any other DA/SA with decocker (SIG P226, CZ 75BD, various HKs, etc.)

The decocker is just a button (some HKs have buttons), and to recock, you draw the slide back a 1/4", rather than thumbing back the hammer. But when actually shooting, these minor differences go away.
Walther P99AS is a terrific pistol though I do prefer my Walther PPQ to it. The trigger breaks noticeably farther back than on the PPQ.
I have to say, I do somewhat prefer the PPQ's grip a bit, but the P99 is one sweet pistol.
I agree, although I'll see your "one sweet" and raise you "a better".

Louca, put some Talon grips on your P99 and you'll never look back. They have grips for the p99 as well as the compact P99as. They even have grip tape for the finger hook of a 10 round compact magazine.
The P99 is a great firearm. It's relatively compact for a full-sized pistol and wonderfully light. When used as DA/SA, the trigger pull compares very favorably with other guns in that class. The SA pull is preferable to the PPQ in my opinion. I love the paddle release, which safely rides inside a lot of holsters. (Ever accidentally depress a button release on a holstered gun?) It is more comfortable to operate than the HK version in my opinion. The P99 was an early innovator in ergonomics and I think it remains a contender in this respect. There are a few places I might smooth an edge or two, but overall it is very nice.
Louca, put some Talon grips on your P99 and you'll never look back. They have grips for the p99 as well as the compact P99as. They even have grip tape for the finger hook of a 10 round compact magazine.
When I got my PPQ, I got Talon grips for that. They worked fairly well for a while, but then started to loosen at some of the corners. So, I got some tape (called GT-5000 from guntape.com), and made my own templates. First I made them for the PPQ, then for the P99 immediately after I received it. Not bragging, but "my" grips are much better than the ones from Talon. Talon's are pretty good, and they are real good about sending you replacements if something went wrong, but the adhesion quality of the GT-5000 tape is far superior to Talon's. But, obviously making your own grips requires custom work to make them - not something everyone would want to do.

I also got Talon grips for my HK 45C and they are still OK, but that piece does not see the usage and duty the PPQ and P99 see.

If anyone is interested in making their own grips for either the PPQ or P99 AS, I can send you copies of my templates if you would like them.

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The P99 is a great firearm. It's relatively compact for a full-sized pistol and wonderfully light

It's worth noting that the overall dimensions for the P99 are very close to the Glock 19.

Much is made of newer striker-fired pistols like the CZ P10C and M&P9 2.0 Compact being "Glock 19 killers", due to their comparable size, but the P99 and derivatives have filled this size niche for over 20 years.

The size difference really is almost negligible. The P99 is very slightly wider and very slightly taller, and there are 16-rd flush-fit magazines available for the P99, which to my knowledge have never been available for the Glock 19.