P95 and P90


New member
Just picked up a Ruger P95 and a P90 both in great shape for $500 all in out the door. Kind of feel like I hit the jackpot. The P95 had a bit of rust which cleaned up with almost no effort. Both guns were sitting in a small gun store that tailors more towards the tactical side of the world so not a lot of interest. After about 5 weeks I asked what he would do on them figuring I would be looking at $300-350 a piece. The owner said $500 if you say yes right now and I jumped.

Will get picks later tonight.
Congrats on getting those puppies. They're both good solid guns.

My P95s are still my go to house guns.
A P89 was the first handgun I ever purchased for myself and I let it go for a Glock 17 and always kicked myself afterwards. Not because the Glock was bad mind you just had a soft spot for the P series. Have had opportunities in the past to pick up another one and for what ever reason always passed. Happy to have a couple back in the collection. They are great guns and have some character that's for sure.
My P90 is a bit of a puzzler in that while I have other .45's that fit my hand better and have much better triggers, the P90 is consistently the most accurate. I also have a P85 Mk. II that I picked up for a song during the height of the COVID panic that's rather nice too, but it doesn't shoot as well as the P90 does.
Congrats. Really regret trading my P90 away almost 30 years ago. Reliable, accurate, and practically maintenance free. If there was ever a .45 built for rough and tumble, it's the P90.
I think those may be the best autos that Ruger ever made.

A buddy had a P90 when I first started shooting handguns. I don't think he ever had an issue with it, definitely not when I was shooting with him. I found it very accurate. The only issue was it always seemed a bit big to me for the capacity.

The P95 had a stellar reputation back in the day. If they still made them, I'd possibly buy one as a fun gun/beater. I still may if I see one used at a good price.

I personally have owned two P-series (my first auto was a KP89 and I had a P345), though I had some issues with mine (my KP89 wasn't accurate, and reading others online it seems that was unusual, and the P345 was unusual for a P-series in that Ruger had some issues with a few of them, including the one I had). Overall though, Ruger P-series pistols were usually great guns, and were and are a good value.

The two you got are probably the best of the Ruger P-series. If I came across a pair like yours at that price, I'd likely jump too.