P7M8 Holster

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I am having a REAL difficult time finding a retention duty holster for my P7M8 purchased for law enforcement training. Looks like custom might be the only way to go. Any ideas?
Try Mitch Rosen leather. He has a website. He fits a few different styles for the P7 series. I don't recall seeing a retention holster in his catalog, but he may make one for you.
Mitch Rosen's 5JR (belt slide) and ARG (IWB) holsters have an optional thumb break. That may be what you're looking for. Check out his website at www.mitchrosen.com .
His prices are not cheap at all, but quality is excellent.
I am a firearms instructor with a medium sized pd in the new england area. My dept this week just started transitioniong to our new weapon( berett96g). Our prevouius weapon was the p7m8.

The only thing close to a retention duty holser I could find was a holster made by strong leather co in gloucster Ma. The holster was called the piece keeper, It had a rotating tab which locked the thumbreak. This was the only retention holster I could ever find for the p7. We ended up issuing safariland model 200 duty holsters to the troops. Those that wished could pay out there pocket for the piece keeper holster.

The reasons we switched weapons was 1.our hk were thirteen years old. 2 the price to replace them. Numkerous officer bought there hks instead of them being traded off. Good luck

For those officers who purchased their weapons, how much did they have to pay? Just curious . . .
Hey stinx, are there any officers that have a Strong Holster Co. holster that they might like to get rid of? Let me know if it's plain black leather, and if they have the urge to part with it (in very good condition).

I got a SHC catalog shortly after reading you message (requested it a while ago). They're pricy to begin with, and any dealer here in NC would have to special order, and who knows how long that'll take.

Let me know...
The officers paid approx 535 with tax.
I dont know of any officer that wishes to part with there strong holster. Great gun,but next to Impossible to find a high quality grab resistant holster for.
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