P7M8 Bore Axis.....


New member
Is there any semi-auto handgun with a lower bore axis than the P7? Is it possible to design a pistol with the barrel any lower i.e. maybe parallel to the middle or index finger? Imagine gripping something like brass knuckles with a barrel extenting between your fingers. If this crazy notion was possible would this reduce or eliminate muzzle flip?
I'm aware of such a device which fired the .22LR (barrel protruding between middle and ring fingers, fired by squeezing a trigger mechanism with the closed hand, made in the earlier half of the 20th century in Chicago, IIRC), but not any real pistol which fires a 9mm-or-better round.

The P7's bore axis is relatively lower than any other combat pistol (in 9mm or larger caliber) extant.

Muzzle flip is reduced by lowering the bore axis relative to the axis of rotation for the weapon until, where they coincide, there's a straight-backward push. Trouble is, it's hard to design other features (reasonable overall weapon size, reasonable weapon shape, reasonable ammunition capacity, visible ights, etc.) to accomodate this constraint, especially for a handgun, less so for a rifle or other shoulder-fired ordnance.
There are many.
All "Free Pistol" have a much lower bore. There is a S&W .22 auto (the 42?) that is lower. Glocks and Lugers are quite low, not sure if they are lower - but they are low enough.
I know that 'semi-auto' is specified...

...but the very unusual Mateba semi-auto *revolver* seems to meet the criterion.

Its barrel is aligned with the bottom of the cylinder instead of the top, which puts the boreline just above the trigger finger. ;)