P320 voluntary upgrade


New member
My P320 FDE compact has one of the best triggers I have ever felt in a striker fired pistol. They say the upgrade lightens up trigger a bit but I really feel its just fine now and don't want it any lighter. I have decided not to get upgrade any reason I should? PS Have just watched several videos of people claiming they tested by dropping and gun indeed fired so I guess I will send it for upgrade.
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I liked the trigger before the recall a lot but I still sent it in. Actually came back a bit better than I remembered:) I wasn’t in a rush so I did wait quite a while before sending it in but I figured why not?
I have two SIG P320s, a full-size in .45 ACP and a compact in 9 mm Luger. Both went in for the "voluntary upgrade" but not at the same time. I sent to .45 in first and compared it closely to the unmodified compact after it returned.

Before the upgrade there was no appreciable difference between the two triggers. After the upgrade I compared the two pistols in dry fire many times. There was no doubt that the pull weight for the modified trigger was a little bit lighter, although the difference was not dramatic.

I then sent the 9 mm in and when it came back compared the two side by side again. Now there was no appreciable difference in the pull weight of the modified triggers. So both were a bit lighter than originally.

I too would have preferred the pull weight of the original trigger. But in retrospect, the change was not great enough that it would dissuade me from going ahead with the upgrade.

The modification also includes the addition of a disconnector. I have seen some posts from extremely knowledgeable shooters who claim that they have seen definite incidents of the original P320 firing out of battery. SIG claims this was impossible with the original pistol but I have my doubts regarding their credibility. I have not seen any credible accounts of the modified pistol with the disconnector firing out of battery.
I am very happy with the my P320c RX Post "Voluntary Upgrade" (VU)

I have probably put at least 1500 rounds downrange since the Upgrade (November 2017)

Rather than be scared of it you should at least try it.
Rental P320's are probably all Post VU at this point and for the cost of a rental you can feel the trigger to determine for yourself if you like it or not.

ALL P320's sold today have the VU Trigger..do you hear of anyone complaining.

To not do the VU I consider it irresponsible to yourself, loved ones and friends that may ever come in contact with or fire your gun.
If anything bad was to ever happen because you did not do the VU you would never forgive yourself...
Is that really worth a Perceived Trigger Feel...Simply because you do not know what a Post VU trigger feels like.

Spend the cost of a rental fee next time you are at the range and try it for yourself...
God forbid that you may actually like it!
The reason for the reduced mass trigger was to reduce trigger inertia. The drop-fire issue with the P320 was largely due to sufficient trigger inertia for the trigger to continue its downward (backward with regard to the muzzle) travel when the pistol was dropped directly onto the back of its slide. This was sufficient for the inertial trigger travel to disengage the striker block safety.

SIG chose to omit a trigger tab safety or hinged trigger safety device on the P320 that other makers of striker-fired pistols have incorporated to prevent this inertial trigger movement.

Plus Sig did more changes to the FCU than the slide...not just changing the trigger.

When you scan down the Sig Voluntary Upgrade page that I linked to above
Go to 1:29 in the video by Phil Strader and he says exactly what changes were made to the FCU.
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I wouldn't say it "lightened up" the trigger on my P320 Carry. But it did seem to enhance the feel of the already smooth pull.
Got mine used, without the trigger work done for a pretty good price. Box paperwork, lock just like a new gun. The only sign of any use was some slight brass smears on the follower of one of the magazines it came with. Thinking some fool heard "recall" on the internet, and dumped what he thought was a defective pistol. His loss, my gain.:D