P245 or P220??


I am looking at getting a .45 for target shooting now and later use it as an off duty weapon after college. What do you suggest the Sig P245 or P220. Is the P220 to large for a comfortable concealable carry weapon or should I go with the smaller P245. Any advice is appreciated. I have heard all good things about the P220 and right now thats how I am leaning. Any help is appreciated.
The P245 is not even in the same league as the P220.
I owned a P220 for a long time and loved its accuracy. i shot the P245 several times from the rental collection at my range and it just didn't point naturally and felt like that had chopped a P220 to make it.

For target shooting, you want the full-sized model. you just have to be willing to carry a larger gun.

If you like Sig and 45 and want to target shoot, the p220 is the way to go1

I know several DEA agents who love carrying their P220s and P226s.

It's the best gun Sig makes.
You might want consider some other choices if you want a .45 that will fill the role of a target shooter and a concealable off duty weapon.

The P220 is a large weapon. It makes for comfortable shooting, but a lot harder to conceal. The Sigs are nice, but tend to recoil a bit more than their polymer frame counterparts, namely the HK and Glock.

As for the P245, it can be a handfull to shoot depending on the load. Even with .45 230gr Hardball it is more than you would care to shoot more than a box through. The magazine can also give you a nice pinch if you slam one in the magwell during a fast reload.

One thing you definitely want to consider if you get the P220. For the majority of people, it is hard to conceal a weapon that large. Even for people who can conceal a weapon that large, they typically have to dress specifically to conceal the weapon. I remember many a day when I wore a jacket to conceal a belt holstered weapon and sweated my butt off in a store because I couldn't take it off. Sooner or later one of two things will happen.
1. You will leave it at home.
2. You will buy a smaller concealable weapon for everyday carry.

Good Shooting
You can't really go wrong with a 220. It is a fantastic pistol. But it is not the most concealable thing going. If you're looking for a carry 45, as much as I love Sigs, I'd suggest looking into the 1911s.
there are no small sigs

i carry my 220 daily as a duty weapon. beforethat i carried a 226. both are concealable in a well designed holster under a large t-shirt or windbreaker...my normal carry is the safariland 5181 paddle holster.

i tried the 245 when they first came out and it just wasn't very comfortable to hold or shoot. the high bore line (all sigs) only made the short grip worst.

if price is an issue (always was when i was in college), i would suggest you try the EAA witness (cz clone) line, comes in compact and full-size, or ruger 97 (i'm only recommending the .45 model, not the .40 or 9mm, because of it accurracy).
I would respectfully disagree with the "there are no small Sig's" statement above. I owned and carried a P239 for a few years, and it was "tiny" compared to most pistols that had similar accuracy.

If you're going to carry this weapon in a concealed manner, I recommend that you forget the P220. I'm a big man (6'3", 275 lbs.) and I wouldn't want to figure out how to tote that baby around without being detected. It's just too large for day-to-day carry, IMO.

If you're looking for a carry gun in .45 ACP, I would recommend that you take a look at the Glock 30. I don't like the feel of the P245, and the G30 will give you and extra few rounds as well. Try it. You'll be surprised (if you haven't already).
I love my P220, but I could not imagine carry in anything less than duty holster that is not concealed.

I would look into the foremention Glock or some of the compact 1911s. (Kimber makes some great compact 1911s)
I am not a large person, standing 5'7" and weighing 150lbs, however, I carry a P220 every day. It can be done, you just have to make the commitment. There are times when a full size gun is inappropriate and a suitable pocket gun, and in some cases a mouse gun, should be included in your battery when you can afford them.

My advice? Get the P220 first. If you still want a P245 later, get one, but the P220 will serve your needs better, at least for now.

Good luck and may the Force be with you!
I can confortably conceal my P220. I am 6'0" and 185 lbs.
I use a Kramer Leather IWB#2 and wear a mid-length jacket or an oversized sweatshirt. No problem. The holster holds it high and tight against my right lower back. The Kramer horsehide holster holds it shape and fits well behind my right hip.

When it's hot out, I switch to a Kahr K40 Covert in an inside the pocket holster and just wear jeans. It carries well in my right front pocket.

But for most of the year around where I live, I can carry the P220 wherever I choose with no problems.
I carry a 220 everday concealed.You have to dress for it.The 245?I have one and want to sell it.Its not close as good a gun as the 220.Pointing and balance is totaly different.It does finction just as well as the 220.Get the 220 and start to shoot it.Get a IWB holster and dress to conceal.You will have no problems and will own one of the best firearms ever built.

"[The P245] just didn't point naturally and felt like
that [sic] had chopped a P220 to make it."

That's exactly what they did! :cool:

I don't find the balance much different, but the butt is just short enough to make me want a "Commander" style frame.

And no, you can't do that by changing parts between the P220 and P245...I've already tried it and it didn't work; the takedown latch is in a different place on the slides. :(

I'd be hard-pressed to choose between the two for concealed carry, but with my larger hands, the P220 would [does] get the nod...the difference in size/weight just isn't that important to me.
now that summer's back, I'm trying a few different things with concealing my 220; recently, on impulse, I picked up one of those Uncle Mike IWB nylon laminate things which look like an eyeglasses holder. it held my 220 pretty neatly in the small of my back, with an untucked polo shirt over khaki shorts, but I discovered two things: it didn't disappear unless I maintained perfectly upright posture, and it was awkward to draw from concealment. YMMV.

I did find that it fit perfectly well into my right front pocket; the front of the untucked shirt tail covered the print quite nicely. on the other hand, the overbalance dragged my shorts to one side.

it's doable, I know -- again, you just have to resign yourself to dressing a certain way, probably with some sort of longer overshirt. and don't forget to practice diligently with whatever rig you choose.

good luck, stay safe,
