Don't hold your breath is a good comment. It costs quite a bit for a company to submit their guns to the testing labs and have them tested for approval. They have to weigh that expense against sales within the state.
For example, I wanted a Nickel CZ-75B. I called CZ and they told me that it cost too much and they were not inclined to do it. All you can get there is the blue or polymer finish now.
Get rid of the Democrats there, Gay (yes I mispelled on purpose) Davis and the Communist legistature and maybe things will change. However, I lived there for 43 years and I don't think it will get better in my life time.
Mexico is dominating the political culture there now. They all vote for Democrats because they promise the largest welfare checks. I love the state. Born and raised there, but politically, I think it is lost. If Davis doesn't get re-elected, Rear End Riordan will. Same difference.
I fought really hard against SB 15, SB 273 (which later became something else) and all the others. It wore me out. The Democrats don't care what you think. They are communists. Vote for any of them and you have forsaken your rights.
I think you will find more guns dropping off the list than being added. When B & B went down last week, this only gets worse.
Now that I think about it, what a great opportunity for an illegal business. Kind of like prohibition except the mass market is not there.