P-32 a Keeper

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New member
Finally got my Kel-Tec P-32 yesterday and got to put a few rounds through it today. To say I'm surprised would be putting it mildly. This thing actually shoots. I was clanging steel at 25yards with regularity and the recoil is actually lighter than my Beretta .25acp. That locked breech really does the trick for recoil, I'd have to say that it shoots no harder than my PPK/s .32 and that's an all steel pistol that's more than twice the size.

I think I'll be carrying this one quite a bit as the weight is more like a pocket knife and conceals about as easily. No jams or feeding problems at all in about 75 rounds, we'll see about reliability once we get her between 500-1000.

Seems everyone with a keltec 32 is loving it !

Keep us updated on it. i would like to hear more about the little bugger.

TIM : )
I own one and it has really turned out to be my "always" gun. Great shooter! I have a
P-11 and carry that, too. Sorry to hear some folks are gettin gouged on the price of these great little guns. I heard of one guy paying 100 bucks more for his than I did mine. Surely the profit margin isn't supposed to be that high.

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