Overseas service men unable to vote.


New member
Sorry if this has been posted, I didnt see it when i looked.

Read on WND that oversea military forces have not recieved many of their absentee ballots. Couldnt be the fact that a majority of them are going to vote repulican according to polls among the military could it? Those that do receive them might not make it in time for them to count.
Didnt know if anyone else had heard of this. But shouldnt there be another way to vote besides hard mail? Seems they could figure out a way? And Gore says the the military is ready?
They can't even deploy absentee balots!
I smell a rat!!! I hope they sue!!!

Yeah, I got a permit to carry,it's called the friggin Constitution.---Ted Nugent

"Glock 26: 17 rounds of concealed carry DEATH comming your way from out of nowhere!!! THAT'S FIREPOWER, BABY!!!"

Taurus 605: Five hits of .357 MAG that will just ruin your day, Scumbag!!!!
Usually the local US Embassy or Consulate will be able to make arrangements for Non Resident Citizens to vote while stationed abroad. I don't know what happens in places where there are no US missions.
I am guessing the military base would have to make arrangements in cases where there are no Embassies near by.
The Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act is quite strong re absentee balloting (I should know, having voted absentee for 20+ years). If I had not yet received my "military absentee ballot" from my local election board, I would e-mail them and demand it be FedEx'ed in both directions. Failing that, I would sue. The simple fact is service members, and their dependants, have the absolute right to vote absentee. Abrogation of that right is a clear violation of Federal law.