outshot by the boy


New member
Well, they had the local IDPA match this past weekend and we went. Bamaboy, age 16, shot very well, considering, and I not as well.

End result, he outshot me by about 8 points! He's pretty proud, so am I, in a way.

Pleased he's taken to it, not so happy with my shooting.
One of the proudest days of my shooting life was when my son out shot me. It is one a great achievement when the student surpasses the teacher.
When I saw the scores I wondered how that would be received.
Glad you are holding up well.

Don't be like the guy who quit shooting when his wife started beating him and he could not catch up with her.
bad day

Nah, I'm good. I did have a bad day. Two non threats, multiple failures to stop, lost time on botched reloads, and no ability to stay with the course of fire mentally.

Darn kid is smooth. No extra motion, very precise handling, covers ground like an antelope. He gets more accurate, and he could be formidable.

I am pleased, .....and he seems bit buy the bug, hard.
I know the feeling.

I don't shoot competition except with my son. He out shoots me with handguns and I beat him with rifles...at least for now:)

Isn't shooting with your kids a blast? Two of mine are shooting leagues with me. We wanted to start IDPA but the schedules just didn't permit it this year. Just too darn much stuff going on all the time! :mad:
Bought all the gear, did some practicing, the 92 is oh so ready to roll ... and no free time (and an injured right arm). I can push through with the injured arm but the time thing I can't seem to solve. Drat!!!

But man how I love going out and shooting with my boys and they like it too, Some of the best Father-Son time you can have (second only to a good campout ... maybe).