Outraged and Dissapointed

Rob Pincus

New member
I started a thread on Glocktalk, which, like TFL, has a healthy contingent of LEOs.

Originally, I had set up a link between here and the original post at GT. This morning it was called to my attention by a fellow moderator that this topic might be a little to emotionally charged. I really hadn't seen it getting out of hand... but, I hadn't been back over to the GT thread recently.

As is usual, TFL has handled this topic with the utmost restraint and maturity. No offense to Eric and the regualrs at GT, but the thread has taken a different tone over there.

I have removed the wormhole to GT and simply reposted my initial thoughts here. If our thread detoriorates, I'll close it. I posted this to discuss the PC aspect, which is a threat to gun rights. IMHO, The More PC that LE is forced to become, the fewer pro-gun officers will be promoted and accepted in the higher echelons of Law Enforcement.

In case you haven't heard yet, The superintendent of the New Jersey State police resigned today, at the request of the Governor.
He was asked about racial prejudice inside the state police and, while denying that his officers "profiled" for traffic stops, he did tell it like it was, as far as the people who are breaking the law.
He even made the point that The president of the US last week went to Mexico to discuss the drug problem, not England or Ireland.

The governor requested that he resign amid a flury of complaints from minority leaders.

I am outraged at Gov. Whitman for caving in to these groups and I am disappointed in the Superintendent for not forcing her to fire him.


[This message has been edited by Rob (edited March 08, 1999).]
I'm not in LE but I've been a manager (pre-downsizing) in a private company that has some government contracts. People getting fired, demoted or asked to resign due to perceived lapses in political correctness is becoming epidemic. There is one thing that puzzles me greatly. The people that pay for these lapses are almost never politicians. As usual, our political leaders have made the rules and exempted themselves.

I live in the South but celebration of my heritage is all but forbidden because it is perceived as offensive to other groups. Recently, there have been posts about the offensive qualities of WWII memorabilia and relics. How long must we pay for mistakes made before we were born? Why are some groups so SENS-A-TIVE (quote from Major Payne)?

You can lose your job because you choose the wrong words to express the right ideas. You can be fired for telling a joke because someone overheard it and was offended.

This whole country is going to hell in a handbasket. When are minority groups going to realize that it is often they that are acting in a discriminatory fashion.
Rob, Im agape and aghast, too, and I can't post to this crap without going into serious rant mode. All I can say is 'political correctness' is an oxymoron and offer a few turisms:

1. 'Fair play" is a simple concept. As long as minorities of any persuasion want special consideration for whatever reason, there will never be fair play.

2. Life ain't fair. Never was, never will be. This is not an excuse not to try and do better, but due to the randomness of perversity (or is it the perversity of randomness) life will never be fair.

3. Discrimination comes from the Latin 'discrimino', which means, to know the difference. We all discriminate daily. Most of us discrimanate based on fact and observation, not prejudice.

Yaaaaaah. I still want to rant, I'll finish later when I'm calm. M2
Oh, no, that is okay.. Minorities are allowed to discriminate and allowed to give perferential treatment.

Two words:

Endubbelay Seepee.

I got a card at recent trade show and it said "Minority Owned and Operated" on it.. I trashed it. What if my card said:
"Run by Whitey"... I'm sure I'd get lots of contracts.

(A lot of familiar faces over there.)
The truth is that race relations is the biggest problem this country has and it isnt getting any better.
A long time ago a politician came up with the notion that he could BUY enough votes to win. Next another politician decided that he could grant favors to his supporters and thus it was born.
We have racial division and racial strife and to understand what causes it and who is responsible for it you might consider who would be the loser if some day we woke up and all the races lived together harmoniously as God intended.
Think about it WE would ALL benefit,but who would lose?
Answer this and you will understand race relations.

Hint:It's sort of like why cant we win the war on drugs.

Better days to be,

Well, the focus on our lame drug war turns me off, but the prejudice / PC attitude in the U.S. is goofy indeed.

I finally decided that prejudice / discrimination is reasonable if we're just talking about dealing better with reality. I'm Scottish by surname, and Scots used to have a reputation for being 'cheap'. Well, if most Scots were cheap, then it wasn't unreasonable for a merchant to be somewhat on guard for that attitude. There is a difference between that perspective and expecting all Scots to be cheap.

I agree - he should have forced the governor to fire him. Considering the danger inherent in the job, I could never fault an LEO for trying to pay attention to reality!

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited March 01, 1999).]
This is a little off thread, but it sorta goes to why there's so much 'minortiy' whining, that is, because the govamint encourages it thruogh the worst kind of half-baked social engineering.

I've spent a fair amount of time with various IS/IT service organizations (aka 'beltway bandits') and working on gov. RFPs (request for proposal) and programs. Never seen one that wasn't at least 2" thick, 90% of which was all the silly-assed requirements a contractor had to meet ot do business with the gov. It ranges from 'buy American', to preferences for minority owned businesses, women owned business (women aren't a minority), Native American set asides, use of recycled paper, and it gets picky & petty from there. Makes you proud to be a taxpayer. I could go on about the impact on this has on the costs of government procurement (e.g $300 hammers) and the 'competitive' environment, but instead, I thought I'd offer the profile of the 'ideal' gov't contractor:

It would be a black woman, over 40, wounded/disabled Vietnam veteran with a Hispanic surname and at least 1/8 Native American, employing less than 50 people married to a blind, Jewish small businessman of confused gender.

Oh, well, see what happens at my house on Saturday nights when momma's out of town, the cat's fed, house policed, and all the guns are cleaned and in thier place. M2
War on Drugs? How can we have a war on drugs when the border is wide open? NAFTA means that semi trucks full of every kind of crap there is poors across the border everyday just like you or me driving down the interstate.

The runners don't need to steal airplanes anymore to sneak it across. Sure they catch a load every now and then. But with the number of trucks coming across everday, it is not even a dent.

And our politicians can not understand why Herion, Coke and MJ is so wide spread and easy to get.
Mark W;Our politicians DO understand.
Many of them USE the situationfo improve THEIR situation.
They LOVE the racial issue because it will always be there because of the laws they have passed.
In an earlier poat-that nobody has picked up on-I asked who would lose if racisn didnt exist.

Better days to be,
