Outers Foul Out system Cop-Out and Lead-Out (plus)


New member
I bought the Outers Foul Out III system and have gotten good results out of it.

Now I want to get somemore of the solvent they use. They are named Cop-Out plus and Lead-Out plus. In the instruction pamplet it states not to use the original Cop-out and Lead-out it has to have the "PLUS" designation. Or it will give sub standard cleaning results or something like that.

So I call up my mail order supplier and he says he doesn't have anything under that with the plus designation. He only has the Cop-out and LEad-out. I read off the order number to him and he says that is what he has. So is all of the current Cop-out and Lead-out all reformulated to be plus or am I too order only the stuff with the "PLUS"? Which isn't even in Outers catalog?

Thanks for the assist,
Ross T.