Outdoor range--what's your habit?


True story---some years back, my friend and I use to get into some nice back country to try out our latest toys...'course we weren't the only ones because once in a while on the fire break trails, we'd find abandoned washers and dryers, etc...all for which made good practice.
One time after a particularly long practice of running and gunning (we always had a habit of leaving at least one handgun a piece fully loaded), but this time we both independently of each other, pulled out our spare handguns and shot them empty.
When we got to slide lock, we then decided to call it a day.
Just then, we heard a call from a hill just above us.."Hey guys, can I get a little help here?"
We just about jumped out of our skins. Here we both stood with all of our weapons empty and somebody in a strategically better position than us and we were in the middle of nowhere...only some of the bighorn sheep come over regularly.
Man, talking about needing a change of pants....
We took the guy back towards his vehicle, but we made like my friend had a loaded handgun and we left the guy with some water and sandwiches and a promise to send a tow truck. That ol' beat up volkswagen van with its windows covered didn't make us feel too good about getting too close. Then we took off and passed the word about the suspicious vehicle and its description to the local authorities once we reached the nearest gas station.
We learned to have one shoot and the other keep an eye on our backs. Also we bring long guns now for back up in the hills.
I was checking out a new hunting spot tuesday with my son when I came upon a split in the logging road. After talking to my brotherinlaw I found out that I wanted to go and do further investigation for a potential squirrel spot. We went back today accompanied by my trusty .45 and low and behold there were 3 shady guys back in there target practicing. The scout trip ended uneventful and we ventured back home. You just never know

A son is the best friend you'll ever have!
If I'm at a public range, I always keep one spare magazine for whatever I'm shooting, fully loaded and ready to hand. I also try to bring at least one other person along.


"TV what do I see, tell me who to believe, what's the use of autonomy when a button does it all??" - Incubus, Idiot Box
Carrying a concealed firearm, and not shooting it at the range leaves you with some protection no matter what. I think most range masters understand this (without discussing it) ... as long as it remains in your pants, so to speak.

Remember the famous April 1986 FBI shootout in Miami? (see http://www.firearmstactical.com/briefs7.htm ) The BG's got their firearms by attacking citizens who were plinking out in the Everglades. That fact impressed me a great deal. I don't plink alone in the desert, and I make sure that whoever I'm with understands we have to be in condition yellow at all times. Knock on wood. ;)

For that matter, considering the high prices of firearms, I'm pretty leery about leaving firearms alone at the bench while I go down range. I much prefer to go with at least one or two other folks so that someone can always watch our hardware when we're 100 yards away. Not that hard to have $500 to $1,500 invested in each gun ... I don't leave my keys in my car either. ;)

Regards from AZ
normally shoot at my own range, behind the house...try to keep at least one loaded weapon set to the side, plus usually keep my 'shooter' loaded, even between 'rounds'...better safe than sorry

speak now, or forever hold your peace
I guess everything is situationally dependent......I have been known to take a dozen or so handguns and a few rifles Im either tinkering with or dialing in out when I shoot with the club I shoot with....since the range originally was opened on that particular day for just members of the gun club I never even considered the possibility of theft, Now that day has become accessable to non-club members I have toned down what I take although I have yet to meet anyone at this place whom I would be concerned about. Also out of the dozen or so club members who shoot on our "day" I believe we have 90-100% compliance with ccw, I also know that an unloaded gun is an expensive rock or club, so I do keep premium grade ammo to reload after the shooting is over...I also have dismantled and given a quick cleaning to my ccw pistol prior to leaving reloading before going home.... Just since Ive been shooting with the club I know our count is bg-O, goodguys-1..........Im the youngest guy there so we all look like middleage on up but there is a wealth of experience and knowledge their....lol.....fubsy.
P.S.--One of the main reasons I use to take so many was my shooting time has lessened greatly and I hate that.....and one of the reasons I take so few nowadays is because I dont have the time to clean them all properly.......so some of them sit till I can get to them....and that bugs the heck out of me...fubsy.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Thomas:
Carrying a concealed firearm, and not shooting it at the range leaves you with some protection no matter what. I think most range masters understand this (without discussing it) ... as long as it remains in your pants, so to speak.

Remember the famous April 1986 FBI shootout in Miami? (see http://www.firearmstactical.com/briefs7.htm ) The BG's got their firearms by attacking citizens who were plinking out in the Everglades. That fact impressed me a great deal. I don't plink alone in the desert, and I make sure that whoever I'm with understands we have to be in condition yellow at all times. Knock on wood. ;)

Yep. My shooting buddies (who really got me into owning and shooting guns) were mightily impressed by the reports that FBI shoot-out and the habits of the bad guys. Ever since, they've always made a practice of making sure that at least one person in the group always had a fully loaded weapon on him while the group was at a range/forest shooting site.
I was just at the range today, teaching a basic pistol class. My Kahr MK9 was on my right hip in a Milt Sparks VM2 tuckable holster, concealed the whole time. Spare mag in my left front pocket. Don't think I'll ever need it, but I'd rather have it and not need than the reverse...
