Outdoor Edge Swing Blade Knife


New member
My wife wants to get me something for Christmas and I am thinking new hunting knife, since I have way too many knives it needs to be something "different". I am sort of wanting an Outdoor Edge Swing Blade/Blaze knife. Anybody have one or used one.
I handled one of these knives at the Outdoor Show a couple years ago. I was not impressed by the cheap handle material and cheezy sheath. Metallurgy of the blade steel is unknown to me.

BUCK still builds exceptionally well crafted knives. Their method of tempering the steel produces an edge famous for its quality.

Marble's knives are currently imported but still very well built.

Have seen them being carried. But never had one in hand. Clever idea though. I dislike having to carry two knifes for the purpose. Over the years Outdoor Edge I've noticed has been a outstanding supporter of hunting and the shooting sports. I just may ask Santa this year for one. My preference will no doubt be an Outdoor Edge one.;)
I have one and love it. The "zipper" blade is easy to sharpen (when needed) as opposed to a "hook/gut" blade and works better/faster/easier.

The steel is A8 stainless and holds an edge very well. The handle has good grip even when wet.

Got mine from ebay for $42.00 including shipping.

Hope this helps.


Excellent Information BirchOrrr! Didn't see it until after I had already written the below.

I have handled one, the handle didn't bother me, and from what I can find out the blade seems to be AUS8A or a close relative, which while not a wonder steel it is pretty good steel, I have a couple Cold Steel knives with the AUS8A steel and have had no problems. The sheath is pretty cheesy looking, but I also have plastic sheaths on some of my Cold Steel Fixed Blades and FWIW they are probably the best sheaths I have ever had on a knife. Mostly the knife would be kept in a fanny pack but might get carried on a belt don't know yet. Of the top of my head I know I have Buck, Gerber, Cold Steel, Uncle Henry, Case, Schrade, Old Timer, Beretta, Benchmade and several other cheaper knives that have pretty much all served me quite well, some I like better than others, a few I have never carried intending to give them to my son or grandson someday, others have been carried and worn a lot. Sometimes you just never know how much you will like a knife until you work with it. If I get one I will post up my initial thoughts about it anyone else gets one please do the same.

Yes sir. I'm the same and have many expensive knives and some custom made for me. Heirloom stuff.

The sheath on the Swingblade is not bad. What I like about it is even after you undo the snap, you still have to give the knife a good tug to remove it from the sheath. It hangs onto the knife. A good feature as if it does come unsnapped out in the brush, it won't fall out. Cheesy or not, it functions well.

I have owned both the swingblade and the folder. Currently I have the folder in my pack and use it exclusively. Both knives are the best field knife I've ever owned. The zipper blade works just as advertised and if used correctly does not open the gutsack. Very easy to sharpen but the steel will pit and stain if blood is left on the knife. Easily the best field knife going.
I have had the swing blaze for a couple years. I love the color because you can lay it down and still find it quickly. Only got to use it on one deer (rotten luck the last year and so far this year) but the gutting blade works great and both blades have held their edge very well.