Outbriefing MMM at Patriots Park, Phoenix

Winston Wolf

New member
Very impressive turnout by pro-Second Amendment supporters. In fact I'm pretty certain we outnumbered the misguided moms in the park. We ringed the park, protested peacefully but very loudly.
Many children and their mothers were there do defend out RKBA. The media interviewed quite a few people including me. Everyone I overheard presented the media with sound, intelligent arguments, all I asked of them was to report fairly; we'll see.
Lot's of nice babes, I should have gotten more phone numbers.
One of my favorite sights was when a huge crowd rounded Washington street with placards and we couldn't read them and a group of us were wondering if it were the MMM.
…NOT, it was a group of mothers, fathers and children supporting our RKBA. I for one am very proud of our side, no profanity, and no waving guns, polite to LEOs.
Many MMM were flipping us middle fingers when driving out.
It was quite an impressive showing. We gotta keep up the team efforts. I think more than anything, we had fun defending a cause we feel very strong about.
Man, you have it sooo cushy out there LOL. I was in chicago WAY outnumbered, kind of fun though. THANK YOU for having some @#$%^& dedication and showing up. It was frustrating to be such a flea on the rat's tucas...
Its such a pleasure to live in such a pro gun state. I would say we were slightly out numbered in Tucson 250 to 200.
Everything here was quite orderly and peaceful. I did not talk to any media but they spent a lot of time getting info, i just wonder if they will use it!

Channel 12 report:

Winston Wolf reporting: The rioting wasn't too severe today at the MMM rally. The cops launched tear gas grenades at us. I burned my hand when I picked an activated one up to jam back under the cops gas mask. He was mad about that so I ran. Other than that it was a realitively peaceful demonstration. We outnumbered the Mis-guided Moms with Second Amendment Sisters; it was a beautiful site. Watch channel 12 news at 10:00 for my response during my interview. I had to keep it short though because those cops on horseback recognized me standing in front of the camera. So once again I had to run. There were some nice babes there but I couldn't get too many phone numbers between fleeing the law and a MMM tossing full diapers at me. Next time I'll be packing my own Israeli gas mask. It's difficult talking to the Betty's through one but at least my eyes won't burn. Some of the sisters should have been wearing them full time because their genes weren't too kind to them if you know what I mean. Happy Mother's Day!
Support your RKBA
Channel 10 news said there were 1500 MMM'ers and only 100 of us. Such BS. All the media coverage sucked here. They filmed us such that it appeared there weren't as many of us and other deliberate techniques that would make the moms look better

My uncle and mother were interviewed for some radio station, and my sister that looks really wierd (spiked hair, punk clothes) got her picture taken for the Republic.

What was really cool was some pizza place that had a VW bug drove around and gave out free pizza and pop to the pro-gunners

I also liked the U-haul truck that had posters on the sides

Most of the MMM'ers I saw looked like bitter, venomous, hags. I think there were more good looking women on our side.

check out my photo album of the protest. More pics to come tomorrow after I scan them http://albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumIndex?u=180141&a=6214251

[This message has been edited by Russell (edited May 15, 2000).]