Out of the Box Magic


New member
Last summer I bought a Remington 700 SPS Buckmasters in .270 Win after looking at most everything else in the store. It was smooth and the rifle just felt "right". The new trigger also seemed as good as anything else I tried in this price range. I also had changed from the scope I had on last year (heavy Mueller 4-16 X 50 with sun shield) to a new Nikon Prostaff 3-9 X 40 BDC which IMHO is one of the best bargains in that price range.

So... I had it sighted in with cheapo CoreLoks and Power Points and it shot under an inch.

Today I went out with my brother to double check the sight settings since this year am using $40/box Winchester Supreme ballistic tips. After a simple sight tweak I fired a 3 shot group. Wow! 3 shots touching. Almost a one hole group at 100 yards and I've done nothing to this rifle except adjust the trigger pull to 3-1/2 lbs. It worked like they say it should.

Now I had lot's of second thoughts buying this with the trigger issues and quality issues I've been reading about but they did put a new X-Mark Pro trigger on it and the rifle seemed as well made as anything else I looked at.

I suppose a Savage, TC, Tikka T3 or one of the higher priced rifles "might" equal the groups this rifle can shoot but I know they won't beat it. The Remington reputation for accuracy is still true.

Maybe when they stick the "Buckmaster" name on it they take more care when building. I don't know but I sure am so pleased with this I just had to spout off.
I admit, I gave it some thought due to the "accidental firing hoopla", then went ahead and bought my new Remington LSS brown laminated stock in good old 30-06---same thing, shoots cloverleafs right out of the box at 100. Mine also wears the Nikon Prostaff 3-9x40 DOA---I'm sure there have been Remingtons with trigger problems, but mine have always performed flawlessly---John
Warbird, outstanding! As someone who has been taking shots at Big Green lately I am glad that your 700 is performing so well. After some more stories like yours I might break down and buy another 700.
Good plug Warbird and glad you got a great shooter. I too keep reading all the posts slamming Remington but my son bought a SPS in 7mm Remington Mag last year and it shoots 1" groups all day long.
Joe, I've read about the nightmares you had with big green and if that was me I certainly would be skeptical that they still made good stuff. But maybe looking them over good in the store helped me find a good one. And the more I think about that "Buckmasters" name on the more I think they might go out of their way to make sure it's good as they wouldn't want to lose that business.

In any case, if you bought another one and got another lemon I'd feel real bad. I'd check one stem to stern (including trigger) and have the salesperson load some ammo in it and make sure all functions well. Also, have them look down the barrel. Heck. If they want to sell a $600 rifle they should be willing to do that for you.