Out of State Carry


New member
I have searched this site and Handgunlaw.us for the answer to this specific question but I can't find the exact answer to my question. While at the range yesterday I saw a listing for a class to fill out the required paperwork for UT and FL out of state permits to carry. From the information I can gather from Gunlaw.US and the Arizona CCW website, both UT and FL will accept an AZ CCW without additional permits. :confused:

Is there a list of states that delineate if a person needs to procure an out of state permit to carry above and beyond the persons issuing states permit?

The states I am curious about are:


I am just beginning my research for the specific states that I travel through and I will base my final decision to carry on that research but was hoping someone here either knew the general information or a place I could find it. Handgunlaw.US's listings of 'States that honor this states permit' and Permits/licenses that this state honors' are great sources of information (and apparently updated frequently). It would be great if they also listed what states required more then your states permit. There are a lot of things in life I would like but won't get, so I will rely on my final research.

In general I need to research the gun laws in each of the bordering states for specific requirements anyhow and I will try to find the definitive answer to my question in each states codes. Kinda wish I was a lawyer for this endeavor.

Any help is appreciated.
I found that the easiest route to carrying comfortably throughout the US is just be become LE:D (that's what I'm doing). hope you find what you're looking for.
handgunlaw.us is a good source.

As to why one not in FL and UT might want those licenses, it's simply because UT is honored by more states than any other, and FL is 2nd I believe. As good as my VA permit is at being accepted, UT and FL are accepted in more states, so there are quite a few here in VA that carry those licenses in place of or in addition to VA's permit (and there are over 135,000 with VA permits).

I would likely have gotten a UT permit if it hadn't required it's own special class. In VA, when you get a VA CHP permit, it gets flagged when a cop pulls you over and they look up your license plate. So they know before walking up to suspect you are carrying. I'm not overly bothered by this, but it also suggests they are more likely to be more nervous than usual as they approach, since it seems most police officers view gun owners with disdane. Which is really an odd thing unless cops just like the power trip of being the only ones with guns. Perhaps in more rural areas cops are less bothered if at all, by citizen's carrying. But in urban areas, it seems too many of the officers did not grow up around guns, and have no impression of what a lawful gun owner is, since they only ever meet unlawful gun owners/carriers in their duties.

I also get a kick out of people who say only cops and the military should have guns. Gee, did they sleep thru history classes in school or something? Wasn't that one of the key issues of the day that caused the revolution besides the taxation issues?
Thanks all for the information. It makes sense now. I hate to read legal type documents but I still need to finish the research on the states I plan to travel to for a lot of reasons.

Thanks again.
There is a reciprocity map on this site that will aid you in seeing which states will recognize your permit(s).

One thing to keep in mind, is to make sure directly from the source prior to traveling across state lines. If the rules have changed, quoting a website is not a legal defense.

Colorado, for instance, used to recognize all permits issued by Florida. However, Colorado passed a statute, intended to prevent CO residents from carrying in CO with an out of state permit. Now, they will only recognize Florida permits if the permit holder is a resident of Florida. Colorado does not issue permits to non-residents. Therefore, unless your home state issues you a permit, and your state has a reciprocity agreement with Colorado, you cannot carry legally in Colorado. This is a dilemma I face as a NJ resident with a FL permit.

Make sense?

how long did your fla permit take to arrive??

i'm an nyc resident, and i just mailed out my fla permit application this past monday.
Hey gang, i did this post some time ago, theres a web site that has graphics for reciprocity. I was amazed at where i could carry with my kansas permit.
most states offer reciprocity for resident permits.
one exception is NY which doesnt allow any carry unless LEO or the brother of the govenor. :)
IE; youre florida out of state permit is useless in NY.
Assuming your documents are all in order, they tell you up to 90 days. However, I received mine in six weeks, just about half the time.

Thanks for your response, and yes all my documents were all in order, since I went over everything carefully and made sure that it was before I sent it out....

I'd like to ask another question if its ok...once your FLA CCW permit arrived, suppose say, you are in FLA, will you be legally be able to buy a pistol in a FLA gunshop if you just walk in there, and show them that permit?
to buy a handgun you have to be a RESIDENT of the state you're buying in.
So, even though you have a Fla CCW and you cna carry in Fla you can't buy in Fla. You would have to buy in New Jersey.


Thanks for answering my question.... and I am an NYC resident btw....

so yes I'll have to wait for my NYC pistol permit to arrive first :( before I can buy a pistol....