Out of State Black Powder Pistol Purchase


I know this question has been raised before, but I can't find any info pertaining to this particular case.

The question is, is it illegal to purchase a cap and ball pistol outside of NJ without a Permit to Purchase and bring it back into the state? Also, what would be the legality if you plan on using a Kirst Converter in it and modifying the recoil shield?

Thanks everyone.

Edit: Sorry if I posted this in the wrong area, just joined the forums.
Knowing what little I do about NJ - based on anecdotal evidence on the web, you'd probably not see the light of day for a very longtime
AS far as I know NJ does not consider B/P or muzzle-loaders as anything except rifles & pistols, the same as a modern gun.
Some poor old guy was arrested for having a flintlock pistol in his car. Supposedly an original, antique. That's NJ.

Might as well get a full-auto M4 with beaucoup 30-40 round mags. In NJ, a flintlock pistol is just as deadly.

F**K Chris Christie in his possible bid for POTUS. I am a Libertarian and he is a RINO, and until he rescinds all of his state's draconian gun laws, he will be a pawn of the NWO.
NJ gun laws are especially draconian and the ultimate intent is to ban all guns except for LE and the Mafia. But, the fact is that most state laws regarding handgun carry do NOT make an exception for antique or repro guns. I may be wrong but I know of no state that has a carry license that exempts a C&B revolver, for example, or any that exempt a flintlock pistol from the laws on armed robbery or assault with a deadly weapon.

Antiques and repros are typically exempt from SOME of the laws regarding purchase, but not from the criminal laws regarding their use. So you might be able to buy that flintlock with no restrictions, but if you stick up a bank with it, or fire it down main street at noon, it is no different from a Glock.

Federal law, Florida and Texas for example, which mirrors Federal law on this, have no restrictions on the open carry of antique firearms and Florida, don't know about Texas, has no restrictions on the concealed carry of antique firearms.

But many local governments do not care what the law allows and most LEOs don't know the law regarding antique firearms and would probably arrest you anyway.

That fella with the antique firearms in Jersey had the charges dropped against him.
But many local governments do not care what the law allows and most LEOs don't know the law regarding antique firearms and would probably arrest you anyway

Which is why I am very careful with my cap and ball revolvers when I go out target shooting with them. Lock them up in a case in the car, etc.