Out of spec AR LPK, swap out bad parts or the whole thing.


New member
With the glut of AR parts these days I've been purchasing some parts at good prices for some current and future builds. I picked up 8 "budget" lower parts kits from a vendor. I'm not a master smith but have been through a number of armorer courses and have probably built up maybe 35 or 40 ARs.

I start the install of the first LPK and the magazine catch is out of spec, after install it won't slide in and out of the receiver (an Aero), it binds. I try it in a second receiver (an Aero) and it has the same problem, I try it in a third receiver (an Anderson) and it has the same problem. I polish the phosphate finish off, do some fitting, and with some lube it works in the first Aero receiver but is still sticky and I'm not happy with it.

I halt the install of LPK number 1 and I pull the mag catch out of another LPK and it has the same problem, out of spec in all three receivers I try it in.

I pull out a PSA LPK, install is a breeze and it works perfectly in all three receivers I try it in. I take the mag catch from an existing rifle and it installs and works perfectly in all three receivers.

I've asked the vendor I purchased the 8 LPKs from for an RMA so I can return 7 of the kits omitting the 1 I started installing where I worked on fitting the mag catch. They responded with an offer to replace all 8 mag catches and asked me to ship them some but not all of the existing mag catches.

I wasn't planning on installing all these LPKs now and at this point I don't trust their QC enough to ensure something else isn't out of spec and don't want to try an install a year from now and find out then that something is out of spec.......nor am I interested pulling all 7 parts kits out and measuring everything.....and even then I could miss a dimension.

Am I being unreasonable or should that amount of individual fitting be expected at times? I've bought high end LPKs and cheap LPKs in the past and never had any real trouble or fitting issues.
Not unreasonable at all. I'd want to return them for a refund. Have built a dozen rifles and only had one out of spec part. An end plate and I filed it to fit. Shouldn't have been necessary.
Thanks for the reality check....anyone else have an opinion? The vendor emailed me this morning refusing a return.
If the mag catch is the only "out-of-spec" part is there really a need to replace everything?
I've bought some "budget" parts kits but only had a few problems with odd ball pins or improperly wound springs(probably rejects from accepted parts runs).
No, it wasn't one mag catch from one LPK, I checked the mag catch from a second LPK and had the exact same problem.....at that point after the time I spent trying the first mag catch in three different receivers, then trying to fit it, and then trying the same thing with the second mag catch in three different receivers and then using a PSA mag catch and a mag catch from a known good rifle to ensure the receivers were not the problem I had wasted enough time to install good spec LPKs in all three receivers and be half way to the range.

I never got any further in the LPK install past the mag catch, I don't know if any of the other parts are out of spec or not and there are 7 more LPKs that I was planning on using for builds over the next couple of years.....and now the vendor is asking me to throw more good manhours after bad in order to double check everything is in spec....am I their QC department?
With a known defective part in several kits I would not be satisfied in the quality of the remainder of the parts and insist on a refund or credit toward replacement with a known brand parts kit. There is usually a reason some AR parts are priced lower than others, unfortunately with mail order we usually need to pay and order to determine quality. Always buy from a dealer with an established reputation.
With a known defective part in several kits I would not be satisfied in the quality of the remainder of the parts and insist on a refund or credit toward replacement with a known brand parts kit. There is usually a reason some AR parts are priced lower than others, unfortunately with mail order we usually need to pay and order to determine quality. Always buy from a dealer with an established reputation.
Well I thought they were a reputable company, I was operating off these review here at gun.deals: https://gun.deals/product/kg-ar15-semi-auto-lower-parts-kit-3699?view=list

I've already posted my bad experience on the gun.deals post. I've also ordered parts kits from somewhere else.

Their web site doesn't say anything about a "restocking fee" but buried under the customer service link they say they have a 25% cancellation fee and that any request for refunds are also subject to that 25% fee.......which to me is a restocking fee. I wanted to call and discuss this issue with them but they don't publish any phone number for voice communication, they will only deal with you via email. I'm embarrassed to say I wasn't aware of this before I placed this order and didn't read the terms of sale closely enough. Why they would want to alienate and inconvenience customers in the current glutted market is beyond me.
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Race to the bottom these days, the supply side was already glutted before the election- particularly in the MSR market- and now that the "sense of urgency" is gone after the election (for the time being), it's a battle for survival.

Those manuf's in the lower quality, intro end are fighting to see who can make their "stuff" the cheapest. Quality, consistency and tight tolerances don't come cheap.

Some days I wish crooked Hillary would've won :eek: (J/K!)