out of retirement!


New member
This past week I gave up retirement to take a part time job here; https://www.mcmillersportscenter.com/ as a range safety officer.

Will be working 8am - 5pm Wed. - Fri. and as a fill in on the weekends when needed.

When I interviewed was asked if I had any questions and couldn't think of any until I was half way home and it struck me I didn't even ask what they were going to pay me! Or what the benefits were as I was just excited to be offered the job. The pay is acceptable and the bennies are very good. Free range time, free FFL transfers, big discounts on merchandise and 15% over cost on any new firearms which also covers shipping and taxes.

So I started on Wed. and that was the first time I've worked in 5 years. Was a very long day indeed. A lot to learn and a lot to remember. Also learned that all the RSO's are part time with the exception of out boss and the Manager and it is a nice mix of young guys and retreads like me.

The first two days I spent on the 100yd range and then yesterday I was on the 25yd range which is the pistol and sight-in range and we were packed the whole day. So far everyone I have had contact with has been very pleasant. Co-workers and patrons alike.

I think I'm going to enjoy this gig!
Congratulations! I bet you will continue to enjoy it, but...every long time range officer I've talked with had a few stories. Cringeworthy stories. Stay alert, and keep 'em safe.
We have safety meeting every morning and they have some very simple range rules in place and strictly enforce them in a mild polite way. We have had a couple already where folks lost awareness and had to be reminded.

No uniforms but we do wear safety vests and no carry. Biggest reason is that no firearms are allowed down range and during cease fire all firearms are to be empty with a chamber flag. Only two firearms on the bench at one time so if someone is open carry it must be removed and placed on the bench same as every other firearm while going down range. Also no firearms allowed behind the firing line uncased.

So yes I will have to see how long this lasts before I grow tired or it becomes too demanding on these old legs.
That's an awesome retirement gig!!! Hell, I'd do it now! It'll be great until the village idiot shows up but that should be rare. Awesome bennies and environment I'm sure. If I worked in a place like that I'd be spending my paycheck on guns and never bringing a penny home. Post some pics, sounds great. Congrats! :)
Did the match director and RO job on a military base R & G range for about 40 years. It was 99% good and the 1% was truly scary. Just look behind you every few seconds if you go down range.
After getting up at 04:00-05:00 every work day for 43 years, I'm done. I have been retired almost 11 years and I still get up every damn day at 04:00-05:00. Old habits don't go away. BUT, I admire your desire to remain active. I truly believe that is the secret to longevity.

I hope you have a great time working at the range, and WATCH YOUR BACK.