Our president's teaching Condition Yellow...

Long Path

New member
Anybody else been listening to the sound bites on the news and thinking the same thing? I don't have the news clip before me, but I heard him at least twice over the last two days say stuff about the possibility of domestic terrorism to Americans: "I just ask that the American people keep their eyes open, and be aware of their surroundings..." or almost exactly those words.

Did anyone else think, "My gawd, this man is actually espousing publically the idea that we may actually all be responsible for our OWN safety, ultimately?" Now, we all know that "top advisors" put the words in his mouth, and you will all hear a selected set of sound bites from our "nation's leader" over the next week preceeding Y2K, in an effort to "keep the peace by maintaining calm," but this one struck me as funny coming from a man who: (a) Hasn't had to provide for his own safety since he was first elected governor in the early '80's, and (b)Would love for you all to believe that "the government will take care of you."

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

Yep, keep your eyes open for the raping President! ;) We already are in condition yellow with him in office!

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
Without the power of his position, condition yellow would refer to the glow in the room emanating from his spine.

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
(shaking my head...) Only you, Dennis!

But, how true, how true, how true!


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
(1) I always maintain Condition Yellow as survival is in my best interests.

(2) And do we need an emissary of BIG GOVERNMENT reminding us which side of the Darwinian bell curve is more preferable?

I think not.

[This message has been edited by Johnny Got His Gun.1 (edited December 23, 1999).]
Miss D, I've been in Condition Red for the last 7 years. :)

Dennis... that's another keyboard ruined. Thanks. :D

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
A liar often uses truths for ulterior motives.

Clinton is an official, known, documented, repeated, modus operandi, US Federal Government Department-of-Justice confirmed LIAR. Therefore anything he says must be interpreted in the context that his ultimate goal is evil.

He urged Americas to ``just be aware of the circumstances and, if they see anything suspicious, to report it immediately.'' - http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/19991222/ts/millennium_violence_5.html

From a neutral party, this is a reasonable statement. Unfortunately, coming from the most powerful anti-gun pro-socialism activist in the country, even something as reasonable as suggesting "people report suspicious activity" is couched in a context that casts in a suspiciuos light many people responsibly exercising their rights - rights which are despised by anti-gun socialists. In this century, such exhortations in similar contexts destroyed millions of innocents.

Also, as someone observed: such exhortations are distracting talk from a key issue - WHY, after 200+ years of neighborly peace, is the US suddenly a likely major target of terrorism? Heavy-duty meddling in other country's affairs - like becoming the world police force, or bombing an aspirin plant in a poor country - is likely the cause; stop hitting people and you'll discover that they'll stop hitting you.
Regarding our wonderful President...

(oops, I tried... but I still thought of several expletives while typing the above...)

has anyone else heard some rumors/leaks about
possible military intervention in case of serious problems over the New Year's weekend?

Stand against evil, lest evil have its way...

Would this be what you are refering to?


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Clinton Readies 50 State Emergency Declarations
WASHINGTON, D.C. (BP) -- Fifty declarations of emergency, one for each state, have been prepared for President Clinton to sign on New Year's weekend if regional computer glitches occur in the United States due to the "Y2K" problem.

"For the weekend beginning New Year's Eve, we have prepared 50 emergency declarations in case there is any scenario in which a local area's problems cannot be handled by local and state emergency personnel and a request for a presidential declaration of emergency is requested by a governor," said Mark Wolfson, a spokesman for the Federal Emergency Management Agency told Baptist Press.

FEMA, based in Georgia, is responsible for coordinating the federal government's nonmilitary response to all national emergencies, such as those caused by acts of terrorism, war, hurricanes, tornadoes and disruptions of power or other necessary services which could be sparked by Y2K glitches related to computer's coping with the turn of the millennium.

Federal authorities and civilian experts on the Y2K bug expect, at most, regional essential service disruptions in the United States. But widespread, serious and life-threatening problems could occur in other nations, especially those such as Russia, which lack the funds to pay to upgrade their systems to prevent Y2K computer glitches.

"We could see massive failures of power, phone and other communications systems in Russia and other nations that have reasonably developed infrastructure but which have failed to spend the billions needed to ensure their systems will not crash," said Michael Hyatt, author of "The Millennial Bug" and "The Y2K Personal Survival Guide," both published by Regenery Press. Hyatt is a vice president of Thomas Nelson Publishers in Nashville, Tenn.

How overseas problems impact the United States is not clear at this point. But Hyatt and others have said if power failures occur in the midst of the bitterly cold winters in Russia, North Korea, China and in other nations, deaths from exposure and other problems may result. "Such disruptions could quickly lead to disorder, which could create problems not only within that nation, but for its neighbors, the United States and other nations," Hyatt said.

What concerns Hyatt most of all is that terrorists might use any glitches that do occur in the United States to launch terrorist strikes here, relying on the Y2K computer failures to divert or severely limit police response to such actions. Hyatt said the United States and/or its allies could be hit by terrorist acts coordinated with battles between nations. Or skirmishes could break out between nations that are unrelated to the terrorist actions other than the belligerents also rely on the Y2K problems to impact any response by the nation being attacked.

The Y2K bug is a problem created by a programming decision made when personal computers were in their infancy. Because computer memory was much more expensive to produce a decade and more ago than it is now, programmers for most computer software abbreviated the year each program was created to the last two digits. By doing so, there is an expectation that computers will read the year 2000, which will appear only as 00, as being 1900 instead of 2000.

American businesses, industry and local, state and federal government agencies have spent billions of dollars to rewrite or replace aging computer software created with only two digits for the year. But computers that have not been corrected could shut down and refuse to operate, or eliminate or otherwise damage existing software as it would appear to the computer's electronics that the software has not yet been created.

"I consider myself a Y2K agnostic," Hyatt said. "All the data we have on Y2K is self-reported. Very little is certified. We really don't know if the original problem would have created any crisis. But still, it is best to err on the side of being prepared."

Hyatt said individuals should have a three-day survival kit on hand to ride out any disruptions in power or food supply. Each kit should include three days of non-tap water, canned food, batteries, flashlights, battery-operated radios and so forth. A gallon of bottled water should be purchased and set aside for each member of the family for three days or more.

"Everyone should have a three-day emergency kit comprised of such things anyway," Wolfson said. "There are always storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and other natural disasters that could strike your area, disrupting essential services and forcing you to rely on whatever you have at hand."

A list of emergency items to have on hand can be found on the White House Y2K preparedness site, available at www.whitehouse.gov.

(© 1999, Baptist Press)


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
John, I didn't know about that, but it was very informative and fits with what I've heard..

What I've heard is that if things get REALLY bad, Clinton is going to probably use what you refer to above and declare martial law in any - or all - areas that have severe problems.

Or at least, there is a plan to do so... how realistic that is, I don't know...

I just dis-trust Clinton so much that I can see him taking any opportunity available to tighten the grip of the federal government over the average citizen...

Stand against evil, lest evil have its way...
Yea! and if y2k does not crash our computer
systems,& no terrorism occurs, Klinton will order it done by his jack booted, black armored, ski masked,
CN chucking H&K MP5 carring "no knock" thugs
who like to stomp kitty cats to death & burn down houses. And thats when they are in a good mood! They are even more nasty when they dont get any ---------------arrests,that is!
They just hate it when they shoot up the pestky people & the house next door by accident!
But we really cant expect them to be able to read the address correctly when trying to peer out of those bulky ski/gas masks!
Then Klinton can use the "allegedly
accidental" computer crashes as an excuse
to declair Martial Law and declair himself
"President for Life."

Accordingly, one should be prepaired for the impact of the defication with the rotary air movement machinery.