"Our organization will not rest until tough gun control policies are enacted."

Bill Hebert

New member
Guess which organization made this statemnet.

Donald Cook, President The American Academy of Pediatrics, Washington, D.C.

He advocates that whenever children are brought to the doctor, that the doctor ask the parents to rid the home of any guns - and there should be outright bans on "certain categories of weapons."

Please consider expressing you displeasure with any pediatrician who espouses such views by quitting his/her services and choosing another doc.
These people are not our friends.
Yep, not only are guns evil, they become more evil in the presence of small children.

How in the hell do people with such a shaky grasp on reality survive without someone reminding them to breathe every few seconds?

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Corroboration from www.aap.org/advocacy/wwestand.htm :

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Firearm Safety
The AAP believes handguns, deadly air guns and assault weapons should be banned. The AAP also recommends regulation of handgun ammunition, reduction of the number of privately owned handguns and placing restrictions on handgun ownership. It also recommends product liability actions and public and parent education aimed at removing firearms from the environments where children live and play.[/quote]

Slowpoke Rodrigo...he pack a gon...
Our good Dr. has no doubt obtained the "facts" from the CDC. Another bastion of truth.
I recall as a youth, the cigarette commercials proclaiming that smoking had no harmful effects, and might even rid you of certain diseases. I think that was about the same time our country was still using our own soldiers as guinea pigs in nuclear tests.
I would hope the good Dr. means well, but has fallen victim to the notion that higher learning equates to higher intelligence.
Sounds like its time to be a good philantropist, make a bijillon dollar pledge, get them to adjust their budget accordingly, and then renege. Opps. Sorry about speculating in pork bellies.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
More doctors negligently kill more patients than die from firearms-related violence and automobile collisions combined. The time has come to "do something" - "for the children!" "If it saves just one life, (insert optional hypocritical sob) isn't it worth it?

The time has come to require additional and stricter annual Continuing Education for medical doctors.

Additionally, no doctor should be permitted to perform surgery without consultation with, and agreement of, another qualified doctor who has been registered and certified by the federal government to assist doctors in such decision-making.

Additionally, doctors should be required to carry additional insurance (malpractice, and "Errors and Omissions").

Additionally, medical insurance should investigate all treatments which do not result in the intended cure.

etc. etc. etc.

Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
Let's do some math here:
Number of physicians in the US: 700,000
Accidental deaths caused per year: 98,000
Accidental deaths per physician per year: 0.14

Number of gun owners in the US: 80,000,000
Accidental gun deaths per year (all ages): 1,500
Accidental deaths per gun owner per year: 0.0000188

Conclusion: Doctors are 7,500 times more dangerous than gun owners.

Possible solutions:
* Lobby to ban the practice of medicine.
* Identify types of "assault medicine" that have nothing to do with patient mortality, but might be easier to ban than medicine in general.
* Develop arcane rulings requiring operations to employ a certain number of U.S. made surgical tools, at risk of being considered a felony.
* Limit prescriptions to ten pill bottles, eliminating "high capacity pharmaceutical dispensing devices".
* Limit doctor visits to one a month.
* Sponsor first-aid-kit buyback programs to get medical equipment out of public hands.
* Sue the manufacturers of perfectly good scalpels and pharmaceuticals, not the doctors directly involved, to recoup the cost of medical malpractice.
The next time your paper runs an editorial about enacting more "tough gun laws" or you talk to an anti who brings this up, write/show them this LONG list as follows:

1968 - "Our organization will not rest until
tough gun control policies are
1969 - "Our organization will not rest until
tough gun control policies are
1999 - "Our organization will not rest until
tough gun control policies are

Ask them to explain their agenda.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
If I ever had to go to a doctor that espoused this philosophy, I would feel compelled to make some inquiries of my own.
Such as:
How many malpractice lawsuits have been filed against you?
What was the disposition of those suits?
What is your personal patient survival rate?
Where did you receive your medical training?
How did you rank in your graduating class?

Personally, I think the answers to those questions are far more important to my personal well being than whether or not I have any firearms in my home.
If my childs pediatrician told me that, I would tell him to mind his own business and then I would find another pediatrician.
I am a health care provider. Its all just a business. If enough of his pts vote with their feet, he will keep his politics to himself.
While I agree patients should shun such doctors, remember most people are trapped by their insurance plans - ruled (in turn) by people whose profits depend upon reducing cost of injuries.

Therefore, most patients no longer have the freedom of selecting their own physicians. It's just like voting, we are required to choose from a short list of "pre-approved" names (physicians or Presidential candidates).
Thanks for the tip Karanas -- I've told my daughter-in-law to ask those questions if her Ped ever comes on like that.

If those people had a 10-page list of potentially harmful things in the house, including guns, I'd be a little more understanding, but to single out guns tells me it's just another avenue of attack.
Well, at least that organization has not advocated the roundup and summary execution of gun owners and their families. A gang called Citizens Against Guns did that.

I E-Mailed them...This is my reply.

If you think guns are dangerous to children now, just wait until they are all banned and out of the hands of private citizens. Where only the most highly trained professionals are allowed to have, and use them. If my knowledge of history serves me, more than just a few children died in the Nazi camps. The second amendment has nothing to do with the sporting use of firearms. My guns protect your unappreciated freedom!

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom, it is the argument of tyrants, it is the creed of slaves!" -William Pitt 1783-

"Those who would sacrifice liberty for temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -Benjamin Franklin-
This was me email to "pubrel@aap.org"

I liked it a whole lot better when you doctors practiced medicine instead of politics.

Your attempt to disarm this country is a direct threat to the perservation of life and liberty and you should be ashamed of your hypocrisy.

Your views are about as good as any two bit dictator. To bad Heinrich Himmler is not avaliable for employment as you could hire him as a PR rep, as this academy and his views are compatible.

"The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it is not needed until they try to take it." THOMAS JEFFERSON, gun owner and creator of your freedom.

Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my gun.

Just another American losing his rights.
I've personally never trusted the 'Practice of medicine' I often find myself hoping I'm not the guinea pig they are practicing on! Gee. I remember a time were everyone had guns for defense in their homes. It was required in order to keep your own land. Not many kids 'accidentally' died back then.
I also remember multiple times were rulers purposefully banned all weapons because unarmed people are SSOO much easier to control.
Ya think just once they would read up on history and see where the mistakes have been made so we wouldn't keep duplicating them. Heck if they don't want to believe us they could at least check into it on their own without the TV on.

Gun control isnt about guns, Its about control.