
New member
El Jefe has sparked a new fight for preserving our rights by making HCI's agenda a little uneasy. We must not back down. We must keep fighting until they are down for the count. Anyway we can we must make them suffer both finacialy and politicaly. Our new course of action is "dog" all gun control organizations to deplete them of thier finances and morale. We have the numbers in manpower all we need to do is pick up the effort. We need to spread the word when a situation arise such as the one El Jefe has pointed out with HCI and spread it to every political/gun/hunting talk forum possible. The internet is our best and most effective means of communication and we must utilize to its fullest extent. We must continue to let HCI know that we don't support their agenda and niether does the rest of America. Also we must at least E-mail/write a letter to our elected reps. to let them know how we feel about the entire gun control situation. We arent informing our reps. enough, the liberals are getting to them because they are letting their veiwpoints be know. If we let our veiw points be known and have an outcry by the thousands, politician will take note that we are not happy and will rethink gun control. Just to see the numbers that have pulled togehter during this current incident has led me to believe that we can make an effective difference in preserving our rights as gun owners. We must keep up the fight and keep it up hard.