Our Fall Shoot


New member
Had a good turn out at our 51st annual 3-day Indian Summer Shoot. This is my
local club just east of Kansas City.







That's a really nice firing line your club has there and the roof isn't shot full of holes. I really like the plywood flintlock shields.
It looks like it's been recently built.

My club just had it's annual fall blanket shoot. I got beat out of first place on the men's offhand rifle aggregate score and took second. I won the shotgun aggregate. I really suck at pistol.

I ended up taking four pounds of powder and 8 tins of caps off the prize table.
Lots of old timers that surely know what their doing is what I see. {No doubt about that!!} ;)
Curious though. How many individual shooting bench's are there at this site? Nice place to shoot you have there kwhi43@kc.rr.com. Thanks for letting us see. S/s
We have a 100 point firing line. We have about 12-15 benches for bench matches. The whole thing is covered. We shoot 25-50-100 yard. The members
of the club own the club. It sits on about 11 acres . We have a large pond for
fishing & boating. Camping is always free. Electric hookups. Club has been there
since 1961. I joined in 1970.
As the shoot went, I came in second in the revolver agg. Daughter did not shoot
She ran the target shed. Wife won the pistol agg.
Oh, our club dues are 50 dollars a year. Members can use the club at anytime
for shooting & camping.
Hi Phil. Looks like a great club you have there. Over here the local club for black powder pistol shooting is indoors, 4 lanes at 20yards on reduced size targets. Bisley is 1hour 15 mins drive away and about $145 per day per point. Now you know why I think 50 yard targets at Friendship are a long way off! All the best.....Peter
That table with all the Holy Black.

That's from the Texas Muzzle Loading Rifle Association annual fall blanket shoot. Registration is a prize worth $10+ dollars in addition to match fees or you can just pay $10 at registration if you don't bring a prize for the table.
The really good prizes are auctioned off Saturday evening and the proceeds of the auction are used to buy additional prizes, usually powder and caps, to put on the table.
Shooting a .36 caliber rifle, I hardly ever have to actually buy powder, I usually win enough to keep shooting.
You need to show up so I don't win it all.
We gave away about a case of Old Enysford black powder for prizes at the shoot
I have several lbs now. Don't know what I am going to do with it as we shoot
Swiss. Peter, want me to bring you some next June?
Crockett coon skin cap

I notice some of you guys dress for the part. Does anyone know a good place to get a real coon skin cap?
Hi Gary
Sorry i'm not, i'm the short fat one that shoots at Friendship twice a year also Phoenix on the odd occassion.
Does anyone know a good place to get a real coon skin cap?
Check out Black Powder rendezvous in your area. Round here there's a huge "start of the reenacting season" sutlers market & faire in the area with dozens of vendors several of whom have such items.

If you haven't found one by spring look into visiting the "Fort Frederick" one in Maryland. They have several vendors who will be selling them (& anything else you might want).


That's where I got my "Skonkskin chapeau"! Perfect for shooting B/P in winter!

Thanks Wogpotter. That's a bit off the beaten trail for me in NY. Nothing like that on Long Island. The closest thing is a Pow Wow I went to. He didn't have any samples but would make one for me. I'd like to see what it would look like before I decide. The ones I see on line are all round with a circle top. They don't look authentic.