our country, teeters on the edge of a Constitutional crisis the likes of which we hav

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Urgent Letter to Concerned Americans
To: Concerned Americans

FROM: Christopher Ruddy, Carl Limbacher, John LeBoutillier, Dan Frisa, Jack Thompson

RE: Emergency Campaign

Dear friend:

We are writing to you as the country, our country, teeters on the edge of a Constitutional crisis the likes of which we have never witnessed.

The Wall Street Journal put it well when it said Al Gore was engineering nothing short of a coup d'etat – a takeover of our government.

We have been warning our readers for some time that the Clinton-Gore crowd will do anything to win.

Al Gore says he will refuse to accept the certified results of the State of Fla. He plans to fight, maybe even to the Electoral College or longer.

A Democratic operative, Bob Beckel, is already out trying to get Republican Electors to change their vote. They are even doing background checks on Republican electors!

We learned that in the impeachment process, when Congressmen and investigators were openly investigated and brazenly blackmailed and threatened.

The rule of law was so seriously undermined we wondered if Constitutional government would survive. We warned people how the media was complicit in this hostile takeover of our government.

The election and its aftermath show just how close this great nation again teeters near the precipice.


We know the role the major media have played.

We now know just how serious the media's underhanded coverage of the Bush DUI story played in the elections. (Exit polls showed that 25% of voters said the DUI story played a major role in their voting for Al Gore.

Media dirty tricks didn't stop there.

On election night, without any clear evidence, major networks were projecting Florida had been won by Al Gore. This projection, which suggested Gore had won, depressed Republican voting not only in the panhandle of Florida, but all across the western United States.

Still, the results showed by election night's end that George W. Bush was the duly elected president. But the media quickly swung behind Al Gore and helped buttress his claims that he had won.

For example, the major media have helped contrive claims that the ballot in Palm Beach was invalid – even though we all know the ballot was created by Democrats and used for years without complaint. Who are these people kidding??


At the same time, the media have ignored any reporting on the rampant voting fraud that has taken place in South Florida in this election and for decades.

Nor is there any desire by the media to talk about evidence of vote fraud in this election in the heavily Democratic counties of Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach.

We know the game that is being played.

NewsMax.com wants to expose the truth to the American people right now.

We want to – with the help of our readers – bring national attention to the voter fraud that has taken place in South Florida in this Presidential election.

We want all Americans to remember this election was stolen at 7 pm EST on November 7, when the major media called the state of Florida for Al Gore, making his victory seem inevitable before millions of Americans had even cast their vote.

Whatever the outcome of this "election" we want to demand reform from the major media.


NewsMax.com has already launched a national ad campaign, including newspaper ads, internet ads, radio and even TV ads -- all to expose the outrageous actions by the media to cover up for Gore and the Democratic Party.

So far our ads have run in USA TODAY, the New York Times, Investors Business Daily, the Washington Times and on the web. Our radio and TV ads will begin airing soon.

We want to tell the public the facts. As you may know, NewsMax.com was the first and only media entity to report, while Election Day voting was occurring, that the Broward County GOP had just put out a press release noting massive Democrat vote fraud in and around Ft. Lauderdale.

We need your help to inform the American people. We are asking your help for contributions for this worthy cause.

We want to put the major media on notice that people like you and new media like NewsMax.com are on alert to the fraud being perpetrated upon the American people.

The media fear NewsMax.com. That's why people like you have made us their top destination on the Web. We have already been rated #1 by Deja.com and the Wall Street Journal Business Report, and Talkers magazine has said we are among the nation's leading alternative Web sites.

Admiral Thomas Moorer, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is a board member of NewsMax.com. He says it's the "best web site for news in America."

NewsMax.com needs your help to remind America that there is more at stake here than the election of a president. The future of our country hangs in the balance.

We want to continue placing ads in major papers like the New York Times and other national publications. We will even buy national TV time if we receive enough support.

No matter what the outcome of this election, we will continue this national campaign to expose the media bias and voter fraud we have witnessed this year.

You can help us now by filling out the form below to contribute to our campaign fund.

Thank you.

NewsMax.com's Emergency Fund to Expose the Media and Vote Fraud

You can help NewsMax.com in its effort to bypass the major media and tell the truth about the media's role in helping Al Gore and its cover-up of rampant voter fraud in South Florida and around the nation.

You can help by contributing to our campaign fund. (Contributions are NOT tax deductible.)

Contribute $40 or more and get a free 1-year subscription to NewsMax.com's monthly magazine (a $70 value!). Contribute $100 or more and get the magazine and NewsMax.com's new book by Chris Ruddy and Carl Limbacher "Bitter Legacy: The Untold Story of the Clinton-Gore Years." (A $99 value! Book is due out this December.)

Contribute $250 or more – help us go on national TV – and get the magazine and "Bitter Legacy" personally autographed by Chris Ruddy and Carl Limbacher.

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