Otis gun cleaning system


New member
Does anyone have any experience with their cleaning kits? They look handy but I am used to the standard cleaning rods. Will I be doing my rifles a disservice by using the otis system?

Thank you.
Hi, Keeper,

I don't think you'll hurt the rifle as long as everything works. But remember pull-through cleaners pull - they don't push very well. So if they stick, you're stuck, without a way to back it out.

They are often touted as a compact, emergency cleaning kit for the field, but they can't be used to get mud or dirt out of a barrel. Carrying a jointed rod is better.

There was a thread on this site about a guy having to drive one out with a dowel rod.

My motto: Pull throughs are no darn good!

I did not think about getting obstructions out. I think that I will still get the otis system but I think that I will also get a brass three piece that I have been looking at. The gun that I want to get the otis system for is a .17 rem. I am worried about wearing on the barrel even with a guide because the cleaning rods for the .17 are fairly flexible due to the small diameter.

Thanks for your input.
a friend of mine from the corps has one....loves it...i dont like jointed rods as they have the slight tendency to "scratch" the bore...get a single piece rod..and throw it in your gun case
I have one that I keep stashed in the buttstock of my AR. It's compact and like Jim mentions, can serve well in an emergency.

With the Otis kit, the cable will let you clean ANY rifle from breech to muzzle. Their somewhat odd and oversized patches allow you to pull a very tight patch through. BUT... if the patch gets stuck...

Personally, I prefer the Dewey single piece coated rods.

If a patch gets stuck, simply get a solid brass #8 wood screw, cut off the head and thread the upper portion of the shank with an 8-32 die. Screw this onto a cleaning rod, insert till you get to the stuck patch, twist a few turns & pull the patch right out. Works every time easy as pie.