other protection


New member
What I mean by that.... Dogs. I don't mean to get too off topic here so if it is please let me know. However, most of us agree a dog (or 2 or 3) is a great first defense and alarm system and compliments firearms very well. My question to all of you, is do any of you guys have dogs trained in defense or police type work to take down a BG? I believe the proper term is shutzhund?

schutzhund is a type of competition where dogs trained in various protection and working skills compete. some dogs are trained specifically for this competition so your use of the word would be correct in that sense.

basicly you need a dog trained in handler protection. it all starts with basic obedience. a dog who goes thru obedience training usually becomes very confident and listen well,. then they can go on to protection training.

you need a good temperament dog who can turn it on and off.who will listen to all family members and all training is done with a coller and lead. eventually the coller is the only thing on but because it s on they think they are still on lead so they still listen well.

beyond this training can teach a dog to actively watch family members and decide on their own to actively protect a family member or just bark and carry on.

as to barking your dog can be trained only to bark growl and not charge or bite.

the dog also learns only to take food from you so they wont eat whet ever is thrown in the yard or anything from any other than you. they also have to know about gunshots as these can destroy a dogs training if they are preconditioned to them.

i think dogs are great for family protection.
Yea, I read A LOT about it, as dog's (APBT to be exact) are another hobby of mine. Just didn't know if anyone on here actually does it or has a protection trained dog. My dogs aren't trained to protect, but they have proven themselves before (all 3 are half pits, 2 of which are half lab, and the 3rd being half am. bulldog half pit).

Thanks for the info though, seems like it would be interesting, but very time consuming..

OOO someone started a new thread. The business of doing that is a sticky proposition these days. Given that this doesn't name a caliber or shooting style, my crystal ball says 36 hours and probably me getting banned for saying that :)

IMHO having a dog trained in that seems a little dangerous, even a good tempered one, if you have kids or live in a suburban residential area. To much liability? Please let me know if I happen to be off-base here but I'm thinking that unlike guns, tazers and bats, dogs are thinking animals and might decide to 'turn it on' when you don't want them to--say when they're outside, they're having a really crappy day and someone they don't like walks past. Having a big dog is still a good thing though because it can bark and a big dog bark might provide some deterent in addition to an early warning system.
I also own 3 nice size Labs, which work well as an alarm. I've always considered training a dog for defense but since it is an animal I don't want to give it the capability to kill and then have it decide to flip out on a child (i've seen it happen to my neighbor). Nice idea, I just feel it's a liability for me.

Get a sheperd/chow type mutt. great watch dogs, loyal to their family, hate strangers. Mine actually chased a guy away from my truck one morning while I was stopped at the drive through.
Many dogs are going to act to protect their "packmates" anyway. The question is: do you wantg them to do so effectively, and do you want to be able to control their instinct to do so.

<<IMHO having a dog trained in that seems a little dangerous, even a good tempered one, if you have kids or live in a suburban residential area. To much liability?>>
most dogs can be trained to d just about anything. many behaviors are a play of their pray drive and some are a play of pack behaviors. some dogs have had certon drives bread in or out during the years. it is all about useing what it there naturally
OOO someone started a new thread. The business of doing that is a sticky proposition these days. Given that this doesn't name a caliber or shooting style, my crystal ball says 36 hours and probably me getting banned for saying that

Well, I always see police using their k9's in their tactics so figured some civilians might do that as well :o But if it crossed the line then I can't argue that.

I strongly believe in having a dog to serve as a first alert system. I'm naturally to sound a sleeper, and in the event of someone entering ( in some way bypassing the alarm) my labrador is an instant up system.

We gave it a try once, I arrainged to have a friend enter the house in the middle of the night (one that the dog is very familiar with) and Bailey was VERY EFFECTIVE at alerting his pack to the problem. The back door was opened, and he was barking and down the stairs in no time. As soon as he recognized the inturder it was more an attack of tounge than teeth, but he WILL wake me in the event of someone entering, and give me plenty of time to grab my HD gun.