Well, I have not joined the NRA due to several factors, including a Pennsylvania gun control law they helped author. I do belong to JPFO and GOA and think my dollars are well spent, and also Law Enforcement Alliance of America
http://www.leaa.org/ they are pro 2nd and pro privacy, good people. However, if Mr. Heston's comments continue in the vein they have, I will join the NRA. He may just do more good than I hoped to the cause. (and I have high expectations of everyone..)-------
OH cool more pretty speeches from an actor.
And here I was expecting something different like...
eh er um,hmm oh YEAH
Like action in opposition to guncontrol and gunlaws not in support of them as the NRA has been doing.
Sometimes I break out laughing at everyone including a lot of those from this board when we talk of how strong the NRA
is or whats its stood up for?
All that talk about MMM march and the sasisters and getting behind the NRA and what Clinton wanted,
guess what?! 90% perecent of what Clinton wanted the NRA
had no problem with.
He keeps lying time after time after time saying the NRA opposed all those measures he wanted like the ban on the
standard capapcity mag importation.
When have you heard the NRA say they opposed that one
or that they lobbied against the mandatory triggger lock bill?
Still dont beleive me?
Go back and look at what republican senators voted for the
senate version of that bill that Clinton wanted
among them will be Lott,Hatch and Mccain two of those I know the NRA fully endorse.S.254 I beleive
But did they even tell us that those fools sold us out?
NO not that I know of anyway and neither did the citizens committee and despite their votes for it 2 of those 3 men are still advisers to the CCRKBA.Hello???
But GOA did tell me about their betrayal and took action
and through their action they caused Hatch to withdraw
his support from this horror bill.
They also brough out who supported the house version
again the CCRKBA (citizens committee) and the NRA did not,
in fact when I wrote my congressmen about it (Ed Bryant
R-TN) he simply bragged about his B+ rating from the NRA
after his vote it went to an A!!!! an A.
So he basically said that since the largest $$$$ lobby
supported him he doesnt give a shxt about my opinoin he'll have the support he needs to get re-elected.
The only part the NRA opposed was the 3 day background wait on gunshows.Does that mean as Clinton stated that NRA wanted to keep the gunshowloophole open?
Heck NO they were happy to close it and youd have to register your own personal firearm youve had for 20 years before you couls sell it to another private individual youve known for who knows how long before you could sell it,the only difference is the NRA wanted it done (your gun registered a record kepp with dealer and called into ATF)
within 24 hours so it wouldnt close gun shows and possibly cost them money by putting out of shows their many endowment members that sign up new members for them.
Have any idea how much Lapierre makes in a year?
Ok so thats another sidepoint.
IF the NRA ever passes the new suggested by laws so that each state will have a rep affecting NRA policies in a few years they may be worthy and a fighter not a compromiser again.Until then I cant imagine giving them another dollar.
And Im sick of bringing this one up and searching out the link so I wont its in the database Im sure, but not long ago
Sarah Brady called for such background checks of all firearms transfers including someone without an FFL
Heston seconded that opinoin without missing a beat.
The 4473 forms and NICS are no less than registration.
Its awesome the NRA admits that through their own lawsuit if it but when it comes to legislation they support it.
But not all negative just Irate with what I will call the sell outs, Oh thats right I musnt forget their great logic
'if we handt compromised here it could have been worse or..
we still have our guns dont we' LOL
When we dont have them(most of our guns) the NRA will likely have 10 million members and still cry BS like
'enforcing the gunlaws ( we claimed to figh for so long)
on the books is a good thing, 500 more murderous BATF agents is a good thing Clintons got the right idea.'
Make sure your supporting your state lobby first mine was started by a man because he felt his rights were not being properly represented by the NRA in the state legislature he couldnt be more right and so I support him.
The anti's are focusing their forces on few states at a time and taking us down.When you have states like TN
with several hundred thousand gunowners and only around 1,000 state gunrights members its not hard to see why.
http://www.gunowners.org (the only ones regularly calling for the reapeal of gunlaws)
http://www.jpfo.org (their research on how guncontrol has racist roots was sent to the NRA but never printed in any of theri magazines..??)
Where have most been told or heard that the NRA is opposing guncontrol and defending our gunrights?
Why the most reliable source of all
Ive always wondered how it would fell to stand over my own
grave shovel in hand 'admiring' my handiwork and saying alound over the rattle of the chain at my feet
'im still alive'.