other brand colt replicas

Hello Country! There will be lots of ideas. Mine is just do a search using the keywords Heritage and EEA and you might see tons of stuff already discussed. If not you will get answers here.

Might not be the answer yur lookin fer but it'll get you there just the same:D.
Both are lower end colt replicas, but achieve the same effect as a cimarron or usfa which is to induce nostalgia and throw big bullets down range. If you dont already have a fixed sighted single action 45colt by all means treat yourself to one. Otherwise they wont be much of an upgrade.
yeah, i have asked about a few brands... there are just so many and many people have different luck with each brand. now i don't know if i want 100% authentic or the safety bar which would be nice too. my wife says i am too indecisive but i can't decide if she is right about that or not:confused::confused: haha:p

There is a big Gun Collectors show next month in houston so i think i will wait and just check out all they have