Osborne Uses


New member
I bought a new osborne (benchmade) knife a few weeks back (silver blade, serrated) I was cutting open some boxes and bags with it at the dump the other day, some guy decided it was his place to imply that I was an idiot because I was using my expensive knife for something other than one of the many knife fights I get into each day :rolleyes:

I realize that $120 purchase price is high for a knike and there are many lesser priced items out there, but does anybody share this guy's opinion- I do like the fact that this person recognized the knife? I think a work knife, kept clean and sharp, can be used forever- or until I lose it.

Any thoughts?
I'm with you Hube - I buy my knives to use, not to admire, and absolutely, keep it clean, lubed and sharp. Granted, I wouldn't use my Benchmades for abusive stuff if there was a more appropriate tool around, but sometimes you've gotta use what you've got in hand, and if it's a quality knife, it'll take the guff and come back for more. M2

I carry two knives on me pretty much all the time, one for 'defense' (AFCK) and one for use (currently a buck folder, I'll upgrade after I buy my FAL ;)).

In general I think it is best to have one knife on you that is absolutely razor sharp, good to go, etc...because Murphy will determine that if you EVER need to use a knife in a life-saving manner (not necessarily in a fight, but that would count, too), it WILL be right after you used it to hack up 1000 yards of binders twine and it currently would have a hard time pushing through soft butter.

In general, though, as long as you 1. don't abuse it and 2. resharpen it regularly, there is no real reason not to carry just one, and I certainly wouldn't call you an idiot for doing it.

This guy sounds like a dumbarse.


PS also helping this 'one knife is pristine' thing is the fact that Benchmade's 'black-ti' coating is AMAZINGLY easy to rub off...and my AFCK blade is tool-steel...it rusts.

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." -Robert Heinlein
I guess thats why I carry two knives. I have a buck three blade pocket knife I have carried every day since 1979. All three blades will shave and they get the bulk of my cutting chores. The folder goes in the back pocket next to the wallet and stays there. Excess? maybe but there is nothing like having the right tool for the "job" is there?
Depending what your cutting it will take away from the blade---each time it is sharpened you lose a very small amount of material. I generally dont oversharpen with stones, I keep a strop with rouge and will strop the blade a few times just to keep the edge aligned, it save's haveing to use a stone to correct the bevel as often. On a non-sereated blade I use a moran edge not the standard V shape I find it cuts better and has good edge retention and the blade appears not to wear as much. The angle that your blade is sharpened is going to determine how long the edge will last, depending upon the material its used on and the blade characteristic's developed during manufactering. Anymore I tend to use a spyderco delica every day and non-serated sharpening is not an issue like it use to be. I have noticed that with the deep beveling in the sereations it definitely weakens the edge--I find that I can chip part of the sereation eaiser then I would have though possible so in order to have a knife available I have 3 or 4 of the same type and I use one till its pretty much hacked up and I send it back and they replace it. They have gone up in price and its far cheaper to destroy a $50 knife then a more expensive one. ....fubsy....
For a working knife I prefer a Leatherman Tool. I get so much other stuff with it. As for knife fights, I carry a gun for those. I am not trained as a knife fighter.
use it enjoy it, with benchmade its built for it. dotn abuse it, it wont cut cable, it can go into a car door but you shouldnt.
its not a screwdriver, a pry bar or a hammer.
i have no problem with using a 120 dollar knife for utility as long as you dont damage the cutting edge.
i have a 160 dollar emerson commander and a small paragon ATKO 3 auto, the commander is for defense, but it does get used for utility when the small blade of the switch wont work.
they are a great combo. i think that something small plus you osborne would be great.
Touche David,

That's what I thought, some punk pulls a blade, and I will be running. If his friends keep me from running, I will be crying. If I am carrying, there will be a bunch of dead punks with holes in the front of them!