Original stripper clips for Japanese type 99 Arisaka


New member

I recently was given a Japanese type 99. its a 1944 make from what i can tell, and I am having quite the field day researching markings and checking out nicer components to swap out (none of the numbers match anyway). However, something i cant seem to find is original stripper clips.
I am aware that swedish 6.5 mauser clips will work, but being a collector and having a little OCD I want to find some original japanese clips. besides, I already bought a couple of those swedish clips on eBay.

So, if anyone has any suggestions on where to start, or if anyone has any that they wouldnt mind selling, I'd be looking to pay somewhere around 10$ a clip.
Im not looking for many, maybe only 2 or 3. I did find just one on ebay, however its already up to almost 14$ :(

have you tried numrich arms? they recently changed their website which makes finding little misc stuff like stripper clips a pain in the rear but they generally have stuff like that in stock. it may or may not be current production but will tell you in the description if it is original or not.
numrich is quite a pain to navigate through basically every item they have in stock, no matter how specific my search is. Lots of good stuff on there though. I'll keep an eye out at the next gun show whenever that may be.

I did pick up a few more swed 6.5 mauser clips that seem like they would work pretty well, not too much luck finding the springfield clips though.

Like I said, Just for the sake of completion and collection accuracy Id like to grab some wherever possible. But man do I love shooting this thing. the action is great, its accurate, and it doesnt throw the empty cases to hell and back like my mauser does. I still cant find them all from the last trip :mad:

Thanks for the info guys
I got one off of ebay. it ended up being about $18, which is about what i saw them listed for on another site. local gunshow is coming up next weekend.. maybe i'll get lucky :D
A while back I found some 7.62 NATO clips at a gun show and they work well with my 7.7mm Arisaka. I think they cost me a quarter each but that was a long wile ago...
