original k98 mauser sling - where to find one


New member
I am looking for an original k98 mauser sling for a 1943 german mauser. Is there a better place to look for one than ebay?

Sorry but except for repros most if not all of the ones I have ever seen have had rifles attached. And being leather, they tended to deteriorate. You are looking for a relatively rare accessory and the only thing I can think of is some kind of gun collectors websites, posting in WTB or looking For Sale, or the gun auction websites. They gotta be out there because alot of the vet bringbacks were sporterised early on before the guns became collectable valuables. But that leaves alot of time for them to lie aroud and get lost or rot or get tossed. All I can say is keep googling from time to time. And your search might be outside the US, too as a good place to look might be with sellers in Britain and Europe. Actually I can see a situation where they might be easier to find there. And a sling should present no customs issues. And, beware fakes. Or repros sold as original, or slings made for like, Israel, or Yugoslavia, etc. that were practically identical, except for the markings. Those could fill in and look OK for now.
Thanks for your help. I guy just told me on another board they were $150 plus for an original. I am looking for one to shoot with so I am going to buy a reproduction and look for an original.
Well with originals, there is just so much more demand than supply, with all those Russian refurbs that came in with no slings. On top of original rifles missing slings and people doing restorations that need them. But they are for looks, not really use, as combo of a thin sling and a heavy rifle makes for some discomfort after awhile. Try carrying one slinged at a gunshow walking around for awhile. With some of the military surplus ones that are not German, they look good and used/old to match the gun, and unless you check the markings you would accept them as German, even down to the crosshatching on the leather.
I found some really nice reproductions for around $20. I think I will go that way just cannot spend $150 on an original
I found some really nice reproductions for around $20. I think I will go that way just cannot spend $150 on an original

I got a nice repro for $20.00 from a seller on ebay awhile back.The repros are good if you just want a correct looking sling for the rifle and something to carry it around with.Originals are just way too expensive for me.I ended up roughing my repro up so it doesnt stick out like a sore thumb on my k98 and it looks alot better now.
K98 sling

I bought an original K98 sling, well worn and lacking makers mark. But, I know it's original. I paID $85 + originals just are around unless your willing to $100 or more...............